Liberia: 'Our County Is Underdeveloped Because We're Divided' - Charlyne Brumskine

Monrovia — The famous daughter of the founding father of the opposition Liberty Party (LP), Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine has said that because of the political division within Grand Bassa County, the county isn't benefiting.

Ms. Brumskine, who is the daughter of the late Cllr. Charles W. Brumskine is contesting for a seat in the House of Representatives.

She has placed at the top of her campaign reconciliation. According to her, it is only through genuine reconciliation that Grand Bassa County will develop politically.

She is also of the view that the county is not receiving her fair share of the national cake because of division amongst leaders of the county.

She said: "Grand Bassa County should be one of the fastest developed counties in our country, but I truly believe one of the reasons we haven't advanced politically is because there is too much division amongst our leaders. Not only the political leader but amongst the influencers, religious and tribal leaders."

Drawing a comparison on how the government allocated money to counties based on needs, she said Grand received the least compared to the likes of Bong County and other counties.

"This is so because we who are at the helm of leadership of this county, are fighting each other and not speaking with one voice. We are divided politically."

She wants leaders of the county to put aside personal differences and move with one voice for the sake of the county and country. "There are people in Liberia and Grand Bassa County who will look at me because of problems they had with my late father Brumskine.

"There are people in Brumskine's own political family who have issues with me because of issues they had with Brumskine before he died."

"I am hurt by what's happening in LP."

Cllr. Brumskine didn't hide her feelings about what she thinks about the ongoing crisis in the Liberty Party by stating that she's hurt by the crisis terming it the slow destruction of one of the greatest political parties in Liberia.

"My mom weeps every day. After 2011, there were days when money was scarce for my father. People didn't believe this my mother sacrifice my brothers and I sacrifice to give a bit of our salary to keep Liberty Party where it is today but he kept his integrity and through the rule of law."

She believes it's okay to fight based on ideology but when it's no longer about the people and the institution its heartbreaking.

"It upsets me to think that we have brought down the life and sacrifices of Brumskine. The sacrifices of the founding members of LP to two groups of people, who are fighting."

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