Ghana: ITF Pres David Haggerty Expected in Ghana Tomorrow

12 October 2022

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) President, Mr. David Haggerty, is expected to arrive in the country tomorrow for a series of activities related to the development and promotion of tennis on the continent of Africa.

According to officials of the Ghana Tennis Federation (GTF), Mr. Haggerty, to be accompanied by some Executive Committee Members of ITF.

Whiles here, they will attend the 2022 Confederation of African Tennis (CAT) Gala Dinner and Awards Night and Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be hosted in Ghana on October, 14-15 at the Accra City Hotel.

The Ghana Tennis Federation (GTF), under the leadership of its President, Mr. Isaac Aboagye Duah is partnering the Accra City Hotel to host the 2022 AGM for the first-time in Ghana.

The meeting will host CAT delegates from all 53 national associations with its President, Tarak Cherif and executives expected to be in attendance.

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