Liberia: 'Our Courts Are Not Hustled Grounds'

Justice Minister warns lawyers against filing frivolous suits

Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean has warned lawyers across the country to desist from filing frivolous cases to frustrate justice, saying the courts are not hustled grounds.

Speaking at the opening of the October term of the Supreme Court Monday, 10 October 2022, he condemned in the strongest terms the filing of frivolous suits by some lawyers.

"Our courts are not hustled grounds. While procedures are important as they govern the disposition of matters, they should not be unduly preferred over substance," Minister Dean argued.

"To end this bad practice and culture, we should consider compensation for the prevailing party who is erroneously and strenuously subjected to a frivolous suit," said Minister Dean.

He added that he was encouraged by Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh's warning against lawyers and their clients engaging in filibustering to prolong cases and frustrate justice.

He pledged the support and cooperation of the Executive Branch of government, adding that it is said that the ... concept of the separation of powers does not imply antagonist exclusivity.

According to him, lady justice is blindfolded, symbolizing that justice should be rendered without passion or prejudice.

Therefore, the Attorney-General of Liberia said he is encouraged by Chief Justice Yuoh's speech against filibustering by lawyers to frustrate the end of justice.

Cllr. Dean suggested that the practice of filing frivolous suits should be condemned, decried, and finally eliminated.

"Madam Chief Justice, we are proud as a nation to witness your ascension to the important and much-revered position of [the] chief justice," said Cllr. Dean.

"Since Liberia acceded to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the country has made tremendous progress in promoting gender equality," Minister Dean stated.

According to him, women are found in powerful positions in the government and they have strengthened the laws to end violence against women.

He pointed out that laws against rape, domestic violence, and the protection of women and children are all being vigorously enforced.

"There is now a gender section in almost every ministry and agency of government," said Minister Dean.

"The proposed 30% gender quota in the legislature will soon be signed into law. However, thanks to President Weah, Feminist-in-Chief, for these laudable achievements," Dean continued.

He said he and his team at the Ministry of Justice welcome the new Chief Justice's renewed commitment to continue to dispense justice without fear or favor.

He commended her readiness to continue to treat all party litigants appearing before her equally, without regard to status, whether rich or poor.-Edited by Winston W. Parley

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