Liberia: Incomplete Bench as Supreme Court Opens Today

The Supreme Court of Liberia October 10, 2022 opens today, Monday, October 10, 2022 for its October A. D. 2022 Term of Court, with an incomplete Bench.

The laws provide for five Justices to sit on the honorable bench of the Supreme Court, the intent is that when there's a tie in decision of the Associate Justices, the Chief Justice who is the head of the bench will break the tie.

Today's program is expected to also witness the official seating of Her Honor Sie-A-Nyene G. Youh, Chief Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia.

During the program, Her Honor Jamesetta Howard Wolokolie, Associate Justice, will order the Marshal to cry the opening of Court.

On the order of Associate Justice Jamesetta Howard Wolokolie, the Marshal along with the Minister of Justice/Attorney General, and Dean of the Supreme Court Bar, and the President of the Liberian National Bar Association will proceed to the Robing Room when they will escort the Chief Justice, Her Honor Sie-A-Nyene G. Youh to Her Seat of Honor on the High Court Bench.

On the order of the Chief Justice, the Marshal will escort His Honor Joseph N. Nagbe to His Seat of Honor on the immediate left of the Chief Justice; and His Honor Yussif D. Kaba to His Seat of Honor on the extreme right of the Chief Justice.

Her Honor Sie-A-Nyene G. Youh, Chief Justice, will deliver the opening address followed by responses from the Dean of the Supreme Court Bar and the President of the Liberian National Bar Association.

Her Honor the Chief Justice will instruct the clerk to inform the President of the Republic of Liberia and the National Legislature that the High Court has duly convened in the October A. D. 2022 Term. The Court will adjourn upon order of the Chief Justice.

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