Liberia: 'GOL Will Not Take Lightly the Issue of Mysterious Deaths'

-MICAT Boss Assures Liberians, Warns Against Politicizing the Issue

nformation Minister Ledgerhood Rennie said the Government of Liberia is seriously concerned and troubled by two recent mysterious deaths in the Country.

"We will not take lightly said sad and unfortunate situation ", he emphasized.

Speaking to executive mansion reporters late Monday evening March 28, 2022 upon arrival into the country from Dubai, he stated that the government and all Liberians feel the pain when a single Liberian dies especially in such sad circumstances.

According to him the Liberia National Police is conducting an investigation into the matter and will remain open to update the public regularly relative to the situation.

Moreover, he disclosed that the Ministry of Justice has already commissioned an autopsy to establish the actual cause of death as such he urged the public to remain patient and give the investigation a chance.

"Let's believe in our institutions and give the process a chance", he added.

Minister Rennie also describes as sad and unfair, the multiple of statements coming from the public surrounding the issue even though he did not specify but noted that it is unacceptable for people to politicize the death of a single Liberian.

"There is no need to score political relevance on this matter, please give the family a chance to mourn the fresh and painful wounds of their lost", he warned the public.

The MICAT boss assures the public and the bereaved family that the government is equally concerned about the matter and will demonstrate openness to the entire process and ensure that if any foul play, the law will take its course.

The government he pointed out is on record for addressing such matters and will do the same in the current one but was also quick to discourage politicians to stop linking said sad matter to politics.

It can be recalled on March 24, 2022, multiple of accounts pour in on social media and the likes following the mysterious death of Princess Cooper whose body was found in the ELWA community with blood-seen oxen from her mouth.

Police have so far commenced an investigation into the matter and disclosed that initial findings show no foul play yet up till press time.

However, the autopsy report will in subsequent time establish the real cause of death in order to bring to Closure said matter and until that can be made public, family members are now grieving and as well nursing the death wounds of their loss.

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