Gambia: Cabinet Retreat Implementation Scheduled Period Clocks Nearer

14 October 2022

It is almost five months, following the end of the 2022 Cabinet retreat where Vice President Badara A. Joof tasked all Government Ministries to start implementing the recommendations of the retreat to the Executive with immediate effect.

As the clock revolves, Vice President Dr. Alieu Badara Joof tasked the Ministries for the immediate implementation of the recommendation and the vice president also highlighted significance of state protection.

However, after four months now, it could be of high public expectations that all ministries must have already or probably almost at the end to accomplish their tasks and currently looking forward to the immediate implementation of the recommendations derived from the retreat.

It could be recalled that last June, the Vice President of the Gambia, Badara A. Joof, assigned a task that three to five months down the line period to all the Ministries for the implementation of the recommendation of the 2022 Cabinet retreat and report to the executive as a whole.

At the retreat held at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre last June, the Vice President made these remarks with great considerations to the Gambian people who he said have great expectations, and are no longer at ease, and with this, it prompts the need to deliver the development agenda of the government which identified ten priority areas to make Gambians at ease.

For the first time in the history of all previous cabinet retreats since independence in 1965, The Gambia government through the Vice President has so much commitment for the realization of a better Gambia by tasking all ministries with a five month maximum time frame to an implementation of government agenda.

This came with an assurance made to the President that this year's retreat was to be a different type. They discussed the pressing priority development imperatives of the Gambia and came up with an implementable action plan that has timelines and with people who would deliver and give results with a time monitoring task force.

In that regard, three or five months, Gambians are expecting huge differences with great improvements in all sectors to the interest of the citizens.

To meet the assurance made by the Vice President to the head of state before the 2022 maiden retreat, it is now the responsibility of the various ministries with their related departments to accomplish the outcome of the retreat with better implementation of their performance to the interest of the Gambians.

The expectation is that after the implementation of the self-assets, they would be able to assess progress made, how far they have gone, the implementation constraints and the panacea to those implementation constraints.

In three to five months, Vice President Joof mentioned that at the level of the cabinet they should look back at the Ministry of Public Service together with the Office of the Vice President with the respective sectors to ask for performance indicators on how far have they gone in their respective ministries in implementing the recommendations of the retreat and report to the executive as a whole.

He assured that if there should be any constraint, let them be aware, and on the basis of that, they would be able to trace their steps again and see how they can recalibrate things and see to have maximum implementations for maximum impact on the lives of the Gambians and it would continue like that until they have realise their goals, especially now that everyone is watching and taking note.

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