Ghana: Healthbelt Foundation Conduct Health Screening for Two Communities in Accra

17 October 2022

Healthbelt Foundation, formerly health zone, a non-governmental organisation based in Accra, has conducted a free health screening exercise for the Darkuman and Fadama communities in the Accra metropolis

They screened the women for breast cancer and also did general screening for diabetes, typhoid, hepatitis B, and hypertension.

The Breast screening was made possible by Roche Pharmaceutical Products Ghana who provided T. Shirt and undisclosed amount for the screening undertaken by 50 volunteers.

In a speech, the Founder and Director of the Foundation, Miss Rabiatu Wattigi Mahmoud, encouraged every woman to have her breasts screening before the end of the October breast cancer awareness campaign and also practiced self- breast examination.

She also urged the community members to take their health seriously and do general check- up regularly in order to notice abnormalities before they get out of hand.

The founder of the Foundation commended the people in the community for turning out in their numbers for the exercise and urged them to take their health seriously.

Many of the beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the foundation and the sponsors for coming to conduct the health screening for them.

The foundation is made up of majority health workers and their aim is to educate and take health care to the doorstep of the people.

The general screening was supported by Kinapharma, Pharmanova, Mega life sciences and Ali Adam a philanthropists.

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