Liberia: NEC Hosts One-Day Information-Sharing Meeting

The National Elections Commission (NEC) Thursday, 13 October 2022 hosted a one-day information-sharing meeting with nearly 26 women organizations under the umbrella of the Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia, WONGOSOL on the compound of the Commission on 9th Street, in Sinkor.

The meeting was requested by WONGOSOL to discuss the status of women at all levels in the plan of the NEC leading to the conduct of the 2023 General Elections in Liberia. The women are concerned about measures that will be put in place to ensure that the 2023 General Election is conducted free of violence, mainly against women and marginalized groups.

A release from the NEC issued Saturday, 15 October 2022 said, the WONGOSEL delegation was headed by its Executive Director, Madam Esther S. Davis Yango. The WONGOSOL Boss said the meeting was part of its mandate to strengthen coordination with key institutions including the Liberian Electoral Management Body, NEC-Liberia. Madam Davis Yango said the Women NGO Secretariat is the coordinating body for women-led institutions in Liberia with the mandate to ensure that women participate in decision-making processes at all levels in Liberia.

Welcoming the WONGOSOL delegation, NEC Commissioner with Oversight for Gender, Josephine Kou Gaye promised to provide the necessary information relating to their mission. Also briefing the meeting was the NEC Commissioner with Oversight on Political Parties, Hon. Boakai A. Dukuly.

The NEC release added that during the meeting, five NEC technicians including the Directors of Gender, Civic and Voter Education, Political Affairs, and Legal, as well as the Deputy Executive Director for Programs, Atty. Nathan P. Garbie updated the women on activities relative to the conduct of the 2023 General Elections in Liberia. The NEC technicians updated the women on ongoing activities at the Commission as represented by each section.

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