Liberia: Senator Lawrence Meets U.S. Lawmakers

press release

The Political Leader of the Liberty Party, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence has concluded a visit to the United States of America to engage Liberians, US Congressional members and a host of other key figures.

Lawrence arrived in the US on September 27, and immediately began engagements through teleconferences and personal calls with Liberians to discuss current socioeconomic and political events in Liberia as a way of understanding the concerns of diaspora Liberians.

From the interactions, Senator Lawrence said "Liberians abroad are frustrated and disappointed by the current state of affairs in our country, especially around rampant corruption in the government. But more than just sharing the problems in our country, I am interested in solutions".

She added "in these engagements, I am exploring solution driven ideas that can help solve these problems which are uniformed across the county."

Chief among her interactions in the US was a private meeting at the United States Senate in Washington DC with the Senior Chief Deputy Whip of the Democratic Caucus, Congressman George Kenneth (GK) Butterfield -- a prominent and influential Congressman from North Carolina. Congressman Butterfield, serving North Carolina's 1st District since 2004, is a champion of affordable health care, education, investments in rural communities, and federal programs that support low-income and middle-class Americans.

Lawrence and the leading Democratic leader spoke about the current affairs in Liberia, impediments to peaceful democracy, transnational maritime crimes, corruption and human rights issues.

The discussion also focused on women and children protection with emphasis on the need to provide a sensitive and integrated response to victims of GBV-related cases (rape, attempted rape, incest, indecent assault, abduction and physical abuse of especially women and children) in Liberia.

The Grand Bassa senator also spoke about how the U.S, Liberia's long-standing ally, can collaborate with political actors to strengthen the drive to improve democracy and government that delivers for all Liberians.

The Grand Bassa County Senator said she was excited to meet Congressman Butterfield as his work in healthcare and investment in rural communities in the US aligns with her initiatives in Liberia and serves as an aspirational goal upon which she can deliver for her constituents and Liberia.

"I have carried out mobile health clinics in rural Bassa since 2011 and continue to do so despite the growing need and limited resources. The provision of home economics training rural women in Bassa, microfinance loans schemes mirror what the Congressman has done so well. That is why I wanted this engagement, to learn from someone who has done it well, and to see my work in Bassa can be spread across the country", she added.

Lawrence also flew to Minnesota, where she was greeted by Liberty Party USA (LP-USA) leaders and supporters at a program in her honor. LP-USA chapter renewed its support to her leadership and urged her to remain confident and committed to serving the Liberian people.

While in Minnesota, Senator Kanga-Lawrence also met with Minnesota State Senator Bobby Champion and Liberian-born Mayor of Brooklyn Center, Mike Elliott.

She described her meeting with Champion and Mayor Elliott as a reminder that there are stakeholders who are eager to help "our country under the right leadership".

The Liberty Party Political Leader has stated that she is uplifted in spirit and believes Liberia can and will be better as the country moves towards a better future beyond 2023".

The Senator is looking forward to her returning home to continue her duties and responsibilities to the Liberian people.

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