Liberia: Legislature Resumes Final Sitting Today

Monrovia — The Liberian Senate will today, October 18, 2022 reconvene the final sitting of the fifth session of the 54th Legislature.

It follows the end of the second constituency break on last Friday. The Session will begin at 11 am. According to the Senate Press Release, at today's session, the Presiding Officer will declare the Reconvening of the Sitting and also set its Agenda.

Plenary will also receive a briefing from Senators on the prospect and challenges in their respective Counties and also present recommendations that will enhance growth and development in their Counties.

The Senate closed recently in mid-August for its Second Constituency break following a month-long Special Session. The legislature will be returning with lot of issues on their plates and the paramount amount of them is the shortage of Liberia's staple food rice.

Last week, Rules, Order and Administration Senate Committee Chairman, Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, is appealing to the Legislature to return from its break so as to muster its courage to deal with the rice situation in the Country.

In a dispatch, the Grand Bassa County Senator says, she believes that when the Legislature deals with the rice issues at different levels it will help to save the Country and also prevent the situation from generating into crisis.

At the same time, Senator Lawrence says though the Executive through the Ministry of Commence is not correctly performing its statutory obligation to bring hope to the Liberian people on the situation, the Legislature should also share some of the blames.

According to the Grand Bassa County Lawmaker, during the passage of the current budget, the Legislature was also proven to be very weak in its oversight responsibilities. She maintained that the Legislature should have had a Public and Budget Hearing on the USD 11,000,000.00 subsidy for rice importation before passage.

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