Liberia: Nimba District #8 Wins ArcelorMittal Supported Inter District

The month-long Nimba County Inter Electoral District League which brought together all Nine Electoral Districts football, Kickball and Women's Soccer teams finally came to an end on Sunday in Ganta City.

The open air Gompa Sports Stadium saw exciting celebrations as Nimba County Electoral District Eight (8) won the grand football finals while District One walked away with the Kickball category and Nimba District Seven were crowned winners in the women's soccer category.

The tournament had seen real display of entertaining matches that brought together for the first time thousands of sport lovers, several lawmakers, citizens, Civil Society Organizations, Business Owners and ArcelorMittal-Liberia who provided support to the tournament under the theme: Sustaining the Peace Through Sports.

Mohammed Dennis Kontay of ArcelorMittal-Liberia (AML) who took the kickoff on behalf of the global steel firm was very excited for the level of unity seen throughout the games

Speaking to Nimba D-9 TV after the kickoff, the AML staff said ArcelorMittal-Liberia is fully committed to working with all social groups in making Nimba including all its operationally communities to fully feel the positive impacts of the company.

He said AML's support to the district's tournament was the beginning of many contributions the company will make.

"You can recall the last year ArcelorMittal-Liberia provided support to Nimba County Team which led the successful planning that saw the county to have won the National County Meets Trophy. We will continue to help in Transforming Tomorrow".

The Liberia Football Association Nimba County Secretary General -Ambra George Dahn appreciated ArcelorMittal-Liberia for the partnership which he said had the planners of the peace tournament to successfully complete their tasks.

"As LFA Nimba , we are equally calling on ArcelorMittal-Liberia to partner with the Women's Soccer Teams. You saw the great display of talents by these young and brilliant females which Nimba County Electoral District Seven (7) emerged as winners. If ArcelorMittal-Liberia can get involved, we will be very excited because women's Soccer is one of the newest games added now for entrainment"

Several citizens who spoke to Nimba D-9 TV just before the grounds of the grand finals appreciated ArcelorMittal for the partnership and asked the concession to do more.

Posters, stickers, caps and t-shirts made available by ArcelorMittal could be seen with many citizens, as some taxi drivers had the stickers pasted on their vehicles

Nimba County Superintendent Nelson N. Korquoi for his part thanked ArcelorMittal for yet another huge contribution to the county's sports activities.

Apart from T-shirts, face caps, ArcelorMittal provided huge quantity of drinking water, PA system, medals and game tickets live coverage of the game, half an dozen 6×6 banners as well as other support to the organizers.

The Company extended same existence to the Grand Bassa County for its 2022 District league.

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