Nigeria: Brain Drain - Apwen Harps On Sustainable Socio-Economic Environment

20 October 2022

... .Creates MAOCADA for young women

With youths accounting for over 60 percent of Nigeria's population, youth unemployment requires urgent attention if the wave of social vices is to be curtailed.

According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria is home to over 70 million young people of working age, and more than 54 percent of these youth are unemployed.

Youth Unemployment coupled with skill shortage is a major socio-economic crisis in Nigeria. According to statistics, the country has the largest population of youth in the world, with a median age of 18.1 years. About 70percent of the population are under 30, and 42percent are under the age of 15.

Hence, the creation of Margaret Aina Oguntala Capacity Development Academy, MAOCADA which will be held for six months programme as sponsored by Kenol Nigeria Limited and MoMMAS and to be held at the Universal Learners Direct Academy

The Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Mrs. Noimot Salako-Oyedele stressed the need to make vocational training more attractive to people especially young women and increase confidence about it in technicians, rather than emphasis on certification.

Speaking at the maiden edition and unveiling of the MAOCADA, President of Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria, APWEN Engr. Elizabeth Eterigho FNSE, FNSChE Eterigho said, is targeted as Nigeria's premier advanced technical, vocational, entrepreneurial and life skills learning programme that will create a generation of self sustained and employable female youths, particularly young engineers.

"The programme would provide a viable pipeline of skilled female engineers to either establish their own entrepreneurial ventures or be in high demand for the industries. By doing so, the employment landscape will become more competitive and creative thus reducing the level of unemployed and unemployable females in Nigeria. Particularly, now that the Federal Government is focused on diversification, the economy and industries are requiring specific skills from potential employees.

"The competence gap in Skilled and Unskilled young engineers within Africa and Nigeria in particular, revealed that Nigeria has the largest youth bulge which gives concern that Nigeria is not deliberate in her efforts to position her youths to compete for current and evolving jobs through technical capacity building.

"Nigeria has an unemployment rate of 32 percent, and 30 percent of women are unemployed. At the same time, businesses and employers across the state and nation, complain that they cannot find enough skilled entry-level workers.

She further explained that MAOCADA would unveil a new approach in skills education in Nigeria which will be an institutional program established in honour of Margaret Aina Oguntala FNSE, FNSChE as a legacy.

"We therefore call on all well-meaning Nigerians and corporate organizations who appreciate the place of women, particularly female engineers in national development to hereby join APWEN to support this initiative", she said.

President, Nigerian Society of Engineers, NSE, Engr. Tasiu Sa'ad Gidari-Wudil, FNSE disclosed that 20 trainees would be undergoing training for six months on AutoCAD, Electrical Wiring/Installation, Meter Installation and Management, Plumbing & Water Distribution System.

"This programme is apt especially as it addresses some key focuses of our administration which include; Mentorship and Technical and Vocational Education and Training, (TVET), at a time when the society is desirous of and promoting the skilling up of members across all cadres of its membership.

"APWEN has continued to be the catalyst for advancement of women in the engineering profession towards national and global technological development.

"As professionals, it is good that we continue to develop our capacity for optimal productivity, and continue to promote same", he said.

In her Concept Note address, Engr. Idiat Amusu , lamented that, energetic population lacked employment and income opportunities consequently resulting in the progressive internal migration from the rural areas to economically prosperous urban areas and to other countries including EU and recently Canada.

"According to the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics, the economy of the country reduced by 6.1% in the second quarter of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic thus further leads to rising unemployment and exacerbates the situation for women and disadvantaged groups. This unemployment and underemployment challenge is what gave birth to MAOCADA.

"The benefit of a prosperous employment for the Nigerian youth between the ages of 15-35 will have tremendous benefit on the economy cannot be over emphasized.

MAOCADA programme takes off with 20 participants but will with time inject over 50 technically capable female professionals into the community annually with a target of 300 in five years. This is expected to progress exponentially over time", she noted.

In his remark, MD/CEO Kenol Nigeria Limited, Engr. Olu Ogunduyile, FNSE, FNIEEE, said, Nigeria's government, commercial, professional and industrial leaderships have not been as visionary and as creative as they ought to be.

"It is the economic collapse that occur within their scope of operation and influence, at the micro-levels, that manifest at the national scale and have largely

"MAOCADA should be supported by all and sundry including the government. Politicians should borrow a leaf from this and become intentional in addressing the socio-economic challenges of our nation by evolving various sustainable developmental programmes that will empower the citizens including the timid population of the young adults to save the bleak future.

"Kenol Nigeria Limited has created a culture of training people and creating careers for a living. We have the mandate to contribute to the development of our country to navigate the majority of the citizenry out of poverty and assure a safe future for all to live.

Also, the Dean of Faculty, Universal Learn Direct Academia ( ULDA), Babatunde Faleye expressed concern that most people see others who are into skills acquisition such as bricklaying, masonry, tiling, etc as second class citizens, adding that there are a lot of graduates out there, who are jobless.

He noted that there are jobs in the construction industry that could be taken up by graduates who are ashamed of taking up these roles in the country and prefer to travel out of the country to take up same roles.

He stressed the need for the country to include the trade subjects in schools' curriculum so that even if graduates are unable to get while collar jobs, they will have something to fall back on.

President of ULDA, Chief Olawumi Gasper said though NSE is a strong advocacy group, but has not used up its power.

He stressed the need for the country to change the narrative about youths employment and ensuring that skills acquisition and entrepreneurship leads to wealth creation.

Reacting, the Deputy President, Nigeria Society of Engineers, NSE, Engr. Margret Oguntala, FNSE, FNSChE said, APWEN has aligned with her vision to help the younger women.

"It is a fundamental programme expected to impact the lives of the younger generation. It is a ladder to lift each other up".

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