Rwanda: Access to Sexual Reproductive, Mental Health Services Are Inseparable - First Lady

14 October 2022

First Lady Jeannette Kagame said that the very much needed access to sexual reproductive health and mental health services can't be separated from each other and encouraged the youth to take part in efforts to provide them.

She made the remarks during a session that sought to address Sexual and Reproductive Health and Mental health as part of discussions in the fifth edition of Youth Connekt that convened more than 9,000 African delegates.

Mrs Kagame noted that survivors of sexual violence are three times more likely to experience major depressive episodes than those who haven't passed through such tragic events.

"In East Africa, 21 per cent of young girls are exposed to mentally damaging Early Sexual Initiation; at the risk of diseases and teenage pregnancy. An estimated 100 million Africans suffer from clinical depression, almost two third of whom are women of reproductive age.

"The Africa we want is one led by healthy, ambitious, empowered, creative, innovative, educated youth," said the First Lady while pointing at different pressure the youth face in a world of many challenges such as the global pandemic, political conflicts across the world and ever-deepening socioeconomic inequalities, food crises, and climate change, among others.

"It is a period where unsustainable development across the world is promoted for the sake of the wealth of a few despite its impact on the planet," she highlighted.

Mrs Kagame wished for the youth to be granted by present efforts the drive, determination and wellness to thrive and build the world desired for them and generations after.

She mentioned that the world stage has become tactile screens through which the youth is often targeted with unrealistic and intimidating standards of life, beauty and encouragement to engage in impulsive gratification, self-isolation and at times individualism.

Do not let excessive screen tapping replace the organic joy once held dear, she said, "the anxiety they can induce shouldn't win over the enriching pleasures that are still within our reach."

"You will find that there is little replacement to truly nourishing happiness in the form of investment in one's mind, spirit, body, and environment."

The First Lady also explained to the delegates what Imbuto Foundation -which she founded -has been able to achieve over the years in delivering the much-needed services of sexual reproductive health and mental health.

The session also featured youth from different countries that shared their journey of championing access to sexual reproductive health information and services.

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