Liberia: The Game Kailondo Played - Positions Someone to Stage As His Son During Telephone Interview On the Shooting Saga

Monrovia — Renowned Liberian businessman Mr. George Kailondo, Sr. bizarrely deceived a FrontPageAfrica reporter Monday when he gave a fake contact number as his son's contact number.

The FPA reporter had phoned Kailondo Sr to request his son's contact number to inquire from him regarding the shooting incident in which he (Kailondo Jr) is accused of injuring Mohammed Kamara.

However, a FrontPageAfrica Investigation has established that the number belongs to someone who is believed to be a Sierra Leonean national, Mafred Jerue.

Mr. Jarue posted as Kailondo Jr during a FrontPageAfrica interview, which was intended to get the side of Kailondo Jr.

Prior to that, on Monday, October 17, Kailondo Sr came strong in defense of his son, threatening reporters who were interested in the story with a lawsuit and even used foul words.

Last week, Kailondo Jr. shot Kamara, causing serious injuries to him. Kamara is currently admitted at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Monrovia undergoing medical treatment, relatives told FrontPageAfrica.

The gun used during the incident belongs to a ranking officer of the National Security Agency (NSA) whose identity is yet to be established.

The unnamed NSA officer, according to sources, has a close relationship with Kamara. He asked Kamara to wash his vehicle and while on the assignment he was also asked by the officer to bring his weapon from the car at which time Kailondo Jr. had arrived on the scene and intercepted the gun, witnesses said. Kailondo Jr was heard telling Kamara he had a similar gun.

Kamara, also a friend of Kailondo Jr, asked Kailondo Jr to help him hand the gun to the NSA officer only for Kailondo Jr to point the gun at Kamara and pulled the trigger. and shot the victim.

This paper has also learned that the alleged perpetrator Kailondo Jr. is said to be on the run.

Friends of Kamara who asked for anonymity told FPA that their friend once worked as a parking attendant and was later recruited by a man only identified as Bryant to work in his phone store.

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