Ghana: Dorma East DISEC Launches 'Operation End All Forms of Illegal Mining Now' Campaign

21 October 2022

The District Security Council of Dormaa East in the Bono Region has launched 'operation end all forms of illegal mining now,' with the aim of clearing illegal miners by the end of November this year.

The campaign is also targeted at the financiers of illegal mining, landowners who give out their lands for mining and landlords who rent out their rooms to illegal miners.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) Mr Emmanuel Kofi Agyeman announced these yesterday at a press conference in Accra to highlight the success story of the district with regards to illegal mining.

He said activities of illegal mining popularly known as galamsey have been reduced to the barest minimum in the district.

Since assumption of office in 2017, there had not been any heavy earth moving equipment such as excavator working, adding that except for what was termed "kolikoli," a hide and seek form of illegal mining which involves the use of a mattock and shovel.

He attributed the success to the collaboration between the chiefs, clergy and people and the assembly, adding that "we have a unified front in fighting the galamsey and that is what has given us this result.

"The entire people of Dormaa East are against illegal mining and it gives us that courage to fight it."

He indicated the Omanhene of Dormaa traditional area, Osagyefo Osiadeyo Agyeman Badu had been instrumental in the fight to which anyone arrested for illegal mining, was not expected to be granted bail.

Mr Agyeman said three rivers within the district namely Wam, Suyaw and Supre were no longer polluted adding that turbidity of the Bia River had reduced since the fight against illegal mining in the district.

He stated that effective sensitisation on the negative effect of illegal mining had also contributed to detest of the practice adding that the youth have been given an alternative livelihood which is farming.

The DCE explained that priority was given to the youth who expressed interest in farming and were supported with seedlings and monitored adding that cashew seedlings have so far been distributed to about 6,000 farmers in the district.

He urged DCEs who were affected by illegal mining to deepen sensitisation on galamsey and also get the support to the people in fighting it.

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