Ghana: 'Continue to Retain NPP to Govern'

25 October 2022

Issah Fuseini, former Member of Parliament for Okaikoi North Constituency has urged Ghanaians to continue to retain the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to govern to transform the country.

He explained that it would enable the party to implement policies that would be in their interest and also instil proper attitude in the citizenry before they exited power for another party to continue governance.

"I am optimistic the governing party will 'break the 8' and keep the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in opposition for a long period, despite the current economic hardships facing the citizenry and should they give NPP at least 40 years to govern, the NDC will be dead and buried before it has any opportunity to win any election to also govern," Mr Fuseini contended.

Mr Fuseini noted that the NDC is a public institution and citizens should be interested because at least they had held the reins of power in the country before and currently

seen as the biggest opposition party which would continue to be in the next elections and future ones.

He insisted that Ghanaians would be better off giving the NPP 40 years to remain in power to be able to roll out policies, imbibe proper attitudes in citizens before NPP exited for any other political party and by that time the NDC would be non-existence.

"We are seeing to 'break the 8' - an expression that connotes its desire to extend its stay in governance for a third consecutive term while the NDC is also lacing up its boots to wrestle power from the incumbent and ahead of that, issues bothering the economy has been topical," Mr Fuseini indicated.

The NDC has accused the NPP of mismanagement owing to the record high inflation rates, fuel price hikes and the fast depreciation of the cedi and the NPP on the other hand has partly been blaming the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia invasion of Ukraine as causative factors for the economic woes.


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