Ghana: Savannah Regional Minister Touts Govt's Achievement

25 October 2022

The Savannah Regional Minister, Mr Saeed Muhazu, has touted the government's development achievement in his region, particularly in education.

He said the Savannah Region in five years has had its fair share of the massive government intervention in the educational sector, helping to facilitate teaching and learning in the region.

Mr Muhazu said this on Sunday when he took his turn at the State of the Region Report, a weekly media engagement put together by the Ministry of Information for Regional Ministers to provide updates on developments in their various regions.

He said as part of government's plans to transform the educational sector in the region, 80 new classroom blocks, one STEM University and one 21st Senior High School have been constructed in the region.

"For educational infrastructure in the Savannah Region, we have at least made strides within this short time, constructing 80 classroom blocks with a few more under construction. Let me also say that this government has been very good to the people of the Savannah Region.

"We have been given one of the STEM Universities, five in the country so far, my region has been given one. We have also been given one of the 21st century Secondary Schools. We have also received three TVET; one in Salaga, one in Bole and one in Damongo," he said.

Breaking down the areas in the region which had benefitted from the construction of educational facilities, the regional minister said seven had been built in the Bole District, 11 in the Central Gonja District, 16 in the East Gonja Municipal, 12 in the North East Gonja District, 11 in the North Gonja District, 18 in the West Gonja Municipal and five in the Sawla/Tuna/Kalba District.

Touching on agricultural infrastructure, MrMuhazuadmitted that though food storage in the region has been a serious challenge, government has commenced the One District One Warehouse project to improve food storage and supply.

He said two warehouses had already been constructed and in use in the region. They are a 1000 metric tons capacity warehouses in both Bole and Salaga. However, a third warehouse, which is near completion, was being built in Buipe.

In addition, he said government has constructed a groundnut processing factory at Bole, a rice processing factory at Salaga and a cassava processing factory at Damongo under its much touted One District One Factory Agenda to ensure farm produce produced in the region are adequately processed before transporting them down south.

On road infrastructure, he said over the past five years, the region had witnessed major improvement with a number of projects being undertaken by the various departments in the road sector.

He said 2.63km of roads had been rehabilitated and a further 15km of asphaltic overlays had been undertaken in the region.


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