Ghana: Aisha Huang Case - A-G Ordered to File Documents Before Nov. 2

25 October 2022

The Accra High Court, trying Chinese national, En Huang, also known as Aisha Huang, for illegal mining offences, has instructed the Attorney-General (A-G) to file all documents concerning the case, before November 2, this year.

The court presided over by Justice Lydia Marfo at yesterday's hearing, also directed the prosecution to serve the defence with all necessary documents four clear days before the next hearing, on November 2.

The order followed a request by the Deputy Attorney-General, Alfred Tuah-Yeboah, for a short adjournment, to serve relevant documents, including witness statements and disclosures, on the defence.

An attempt was by Aisha Huang's lawyer, Nkrabeah Effah-Dartey, to move a bail application following the prosecution's request, which he said was not ready.

However, Justice Marfo reiterated the court's position that there was no unreasonable delay and, therefore, the court's position remained unchanged.

The court also noted the absence of the Chinese interpreter, who was said to have travelled out of the country, indicating that arrangements were underway to get a new interpreter for the next hearing and subsequent hearing.

Aisha Huang, is before the court on four charges: entering the country when she had been prohibited from doing so: undertaking mining operations without a licence, facilitating the participation of persons engaged in mining operations and illegal employment of foreign nationals.

She has pleaded not guilty to all charges and is on remand.

Aisha Huang has been accused of being ring leader of illegal mining operators, popularly known as 'galamseyers' in the Ashanti Region.

According to the prosecution's facts, she was repatriated from Ghana in 2018, after the A-G aborted her trial where she faced charges of engaging in small-scale mining without licence.

The prosecution said she sneaked back into the country to allegedly engage in the same activities for which she was repatriated.

Some of the charges preferred are from the previous case against her in 2017.

The state is pursuing another case with related charges against Aisha Huang at the circuit court where she is scheduled to appear on October 27.

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