Liberia: Police Graduates 24 Security Officers for LTC Mobile

Monrovia — In preparations for the kind of services and the commencement of being one of the GSM service providers, the Liberia National Police Academy (LNPA), through an intensive paramilitary training has graduated 24 officers for the sole purpose of providing security protection to the Liberia Telecommunication Corporation (LTC Mobile) vital installations across the country.

The graduation ceremony which took place over the weekend saw 22 men and two women officers are set and trained to provide protection for all properties, facilities, senior managers and employees.

Serving as keynote speaker for the graduation ceremony at the Liberia National Police Academy in Paynesville City, the Armed Forces of Liberia, Chief of Staff, Major General Prince Charles Johnson, III admonished the officers to take their respective roles as critical as the country gears up for the 2023 elections.

Speaking on the theme, "the role and the responsibility of State security in safeguarding government's properties", Gen. Johnson said that Liberia is going to elections next year and the role of State security is critical.

According to him, the officers should operate under the banner, 'critical infrastructure' on grounds that the mission of the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation is to connect the country to the rest of the world through technology, adding; "Today everything is automated through the internet ranging from personal banks' accounts to emails, social media connections and officials work is being done through the internet," he said,

The AFL Chief of Staff said that the Armed Forces of Liberia is prepared to support the officers of the LTC Mobile through any means necessary. The AFL is constitutionally here to provide strategic support on grounds that the all security agencies originated from the LFF now AFL which was the only security institution here before the creation of the police and the rest of the security agencies.

He urged the officers to be loyal to the Liberian Constitution, policy of LTC Mobile, adding the officers should put Liberia first, the LTC Mobile second before their respective interests. He warned them not to oppose by putting their respective individual interests ahead of the state and LTC Mobile.

Gen. Johnson told the officers to be straight with their strategic, policy and objectives guide in order to faithfully discharge their duties, adding that loyalty is not for individual nor bosses, but instead for the institution and the country.

The General reflected that at times some people search for jobs for months but when the job is secure then they become reckless, he urged the officers to be dutiful and committed, noting that excuses should not be the hallmark of the day.

The AFL boss stressed that the officers should give serious attention to integrity. He observes that over time, Liberians do not give much to integrity but officers of government institutions, integrity should be the key point to observe and obey at all times.

General Johnson also urged the management to provide the needed materials, equipment, salary and should focus on progression in capacity building by providing scholarship and advance training to deserving officers in near future.

Meanwhile, the graduates were happily received by the chairperson of the board of directors of LTC Mobile, Cllr. Alexandra Kormah Zoe who expressed thanks and appreciation to the police authority, the graduates and the management of LTC Mobile for intellectual investment.

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