Ghana: Bluecrest School of Fashion and Design Showcase Skills

25 October 2022

The BlueCrest School of Fashion and Design, a leading fashion school in Ghana has organised the 8th edition of its fashion show for the graduating students in Accra.

The School of Fashion and Design which started with the core objective to empower the students through skill development programmes in fashion and textile last Saturday graduated twenty eight students at the World Trade Center.

The graduation ceremony that was termed "ApasoAkasa", meaning, "Scissors Talk" showcased different skills the students have obtained from the school.

In a brief speech by the Rector of BlueCrest University College, Dr Sujith Jayaprakash said the school of fashion had for the past five years graduated over 5000 designers.

"The School of Fashion and Design has produced several young entrepreneurs who are able to create more jobs thus addressing the unemployment problems of Ghana to a smaller extent", he said.

Dr Sujith further said that as one of the pioneers in fashion education sector, he believed the School of Fashion and Design had the responsibility to educate individuals and corporate bodies on the emerging trends in fashion.

"I am happy to inform you that the School of Fashion and Design has introduced digital fashion illustration, digital garment construction programmes and other programmes that is focused on the tech component", he said.

He also added that the school was working with international partners like the London School of Fashion, Capital University College and Inscape to provide the students with exchange programmes and internships.

A media expert and fashion designer, Mr Kofi Okyere Darko (KOD), a special guest at the event urged the graduates to understand how to use social media and their environment to market themselves globally.

"As a fashion designer and someone who is a graduate, you start your work with your family and church, at least they should love and buy what you do. Also use the social media well to market what you do to differentiate yourselves from the mediocre as fashion professionals", he said.

He commended the school for putting up such a glamorous show with more education and told those learning to emulate their seniors.

Mr Kofi Okyere Darko (KOD) received an ICON Award and Odina Couture had Honorary Award for their support to BlueCrest School of Fashion and Design and the fashion industry in Ghana.

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