Ghana: President Xi Jinping Re-Elected General Secretary of CPC... Pledges to Promote Peace, Development, Justice

25 October 2022

President Xi Jinpingon Sunday pledged to work with other countries to promote peace, development and justice shortly after he was re-elected the General Sectary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

"We will work with people of all countries to carry forward the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, safeguard world peace and promote world development, and continue to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind."

He said China cannot develop without the world, and the world needs China.

President Jinping, elected together with six members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, told journalists here in Beijing that for more than four decades of unremitting efforts in reform and opening-up, China has created two miracles of rapid economic growth and long-term social stability.

He said: "At present, the Chinese economy has strong resilience, ample potential and wide room for maneuver and the long-term positive fundamentals will not change. China's open door will only get bigger. We will unswervingly deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, unwaveringly promote high-quality development, and create more opportunities for the world with our own development."

The President, also named Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, said China would continue to write a new chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and strive to realise the China Dream of national rejuvenation.

President Jinping paid glowing tribute to the CPC and the Chinese people for supporting the cause of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects to achieve the first centenary goal.

"Thanks to the concerted efforts of the whole Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, we have completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule and achieved the first centenary goal.

"Now, we are boldly embarking on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country, marching towards the second centenary goal, and comprehensively advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernisation," the President added.

He said: "for this cause, countless ancestors have endured arduous struggles and braved all difficulties. We will always remember their dedication and sacrifice in our hearts. We must immerse ourselves in hard work, fulfil our responsibilities, and take a stronger historical initiative to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and adapt it to the times."

On the new journey, President Jinping urged members to always adhere to everything for the people and rely on the people.


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