Liberia: Integrity in Short Supply

-"The sum product of the ultimate success you seek to achieve is not the degree that you will earn; it will be the difference you will make in society. Success in society is the best attestation of your hard work, not the diploma you will be awarded," Atty. Facia Harris, Executive Director of Paramount Young Women Initiatives, said.

Atty. Harris spoke on the occasion of the 23rd Matriculation Program of the African Methodist Episcopal University held over the weekend at the University Camp Johnson Road's Campus.

According to Facia, success in society is a proof that you travel the tedious journey of allowing the university to pass through you and not just passing through college and that success in society is the evidence that you have been built with integrity, an identity that is in short supply in Liberia.

She challenged the students to turn their scar into star where any of situation in college leaves a scar on them saying "some academic works will surely break you but in the end, they will make you. Facia continues, "if you manipulate your way out of college using corrupt means, you will not be a career of a degree. You will be the career of a disease."

Atty. Harris mentioned that this journey however requires perseverance because at some points, we all need a little pick me up. In the words of Harriet Tubman: "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. "

She further reminded the students of the call for accountability and uprightness in our society noting, "as you enroll do not allow a bad system to recruit you to replenish it. Be different. Don't join what is not working. Or working badly for our society."

Facia holds that very crucial to the development of Liberia are educated people who have integrity, as the major cancer that Liberia grabbles with is corruption, a fruit of lack of integrity.

"Engaging in these practices will make you to not develop into the wholesome, complete person you ought to become. If you manipulate your way out of college using these means, you will not be a career of a degree. You will be the career of a disease. That disease is corruption."

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