Ghana: Kwabena Agyepong Admonishes Youth to Have Hope, Faith in Constitutional Democracy

26 October 2022

An aspirant for the flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Kwabena Agyepong, has admonished the youth to have confidence, hope and faith in constitutional democracy.

"Ghana is really at the crossroads and what the country urgently needs now is the crack of a new dawn of astute political leadership with vision that inspires confidence, hope,and faith in the youth that rejuvenates our political base and rekindles the citizenry in our constitutional democracy," he pointed out.

Mr Agyepong indicated that the NPP needed to aspire for a new deal, dimension and direction led by generational leadership who is courageous, committed, dedicated, determined, compassionate and competent to inspire trust, confidence, faith and hope in the youth.

He was addressing the diaspora chapters of NPP in the United States, to share his vision of a 'New Dawn, New Dimension and New Direction' towards rallying support for his campaign which he described as a 'redemption mission'.

Mr Agyepong reiterated his commitment, dedication and determination to working hard to win the NPP presidential primary, and subsequently the hearts and minds of Ghanaians towards obtaining a historic third term in the 2024 general election.

He expressed gratitude to the members of the Diaspora NPP Chapter for the kind words of encouragement, support, assistance and expressions of solidarity and goodwill for his decision to contest the flag bearer of the party.

"In all humility, I trust I fit the bill, hopefully with your support, assistance, we can create broad coalition of people willing to help mobilise grassroots support for our project to rescue our motherland from an ailing economy, create critical mass of patriots needed to generate momentum required to cause seismic shift in thinking and orientation.

"It is also to generate thinking and orientation of what public service and party politics should mean to politicians, political appointees, civil servants and all our countrymen and women to restore cherished values and norms of service, sacrifice and selflessness back into our body politic," Mr Agyepong asserted.

According to him, citizens and those in the Diaspora had a sacred duty to recalibrate and be reawakened towards the path to deliver meaningful progress, prosperity, growth and development for suffering of undeserved population which needed togetherness and consensus building.

"We have sacred duty to recalibrate and reawaken all Ghanaians to set us on a path to deliver meaningful progress, growth, development and prosperity for our long suffering for underserved population which can be done together now through building consensus," Mr Agyepong postulated.

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