Ghana: Ashalley Botwe Murder - Prosecution Wants More Time to Build Docket

27 October 2022

Chief Inspector Jacob Nyarko, has prayed the Adentan District Court to give prosecution more time to build docket on the murder case, involving Frank Kofi Osei, the Ghanaian domiciled in Canada.

He said the police were yet to receive full autopsy report on Osei, who was in Ghana for vacation and was allegedly murdered at Ashalley Botwe School Junction, in Accra.

Chief Insp. Nyarko told the court that prosecution needed time to get all the necessary documents and reports on the case, to build a docket and forward it to the Office of the Attorney General for advice.

The court subsequently adjourned the case to November 11.

The accused, Safina Mohammed Adizatu, a 23-year-old Level 100 student of the University of Ghana, and Michael Fiifi Ampofo Arku, a Technical Officer of the Crop Research Institute, are in lawful custody over the murder of Osei.

Safina, also known as Safina Diamond on social media, and Arku, are said to have stabbed Osei several times on his chin, jaw, back and strangled him.

Charged with conspiracy and murder, the accused, who were in the company of their respective lawyers, had their pleas reserved.

Chief Insp. Nyarko said on July 24, this year, Osei visited Safina, his fiancé, who resided at Ashalley Botwe School Junction, Accra, and decided to spend the night there.

According to prosecution, accused allegedly dragged the deceased from the first floor of the storey building through the staircase and dumped him at the gate of the house near where the deceased had parked his Toyota Tundra and washed the blood stains off the staircase.

Chief Insp Nyarko said Safina informed police personnel that her boyfriend visited her, and had died in her room.

The court heard that the police patrol team, rushed to the scene and found the body of Osei lying at the gate of Safina's house, but (she) Safina and Arku were nowhere to be found.

The prosecution said the police traced Safina to Ashalley Botwe School Junction and arrested her.

Chief Insp. Nyarko said Arku after allegedly committing the act, absconded to Kumasi, and that efforts were underway to apprehend other accomplices in connection with the case.

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