Africa: Joint Communiqué of the Chair of the African Union and the Chairperson of the AU Commission On the Situation in the East of DRC

Boulevard Juin 30 in Kinshasa (file photo).
press release

30 October 2022, Addis Ababa: The current Chair of the African Union and President of Senegal, president Macky Sall, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, express their extreme concern at the deteriorating security situation in Eastern provinces in the DRC.

They call on all the parties to establish an immediate ceasefire, respect international law, the safety and security of civilians and the stability at the borders of all countries in the region.

They urge all stakeholders to engage in a constructive dialogue within the existing mechanism of the African Union's Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region, and the East African Community's Inter-Congolese peace dialogue. In this regard, they call all the parties to participate in good faith in the third Inter-Congolese peace dialogue in Nairobi from 4th to 13th November 2022.

They express their full support to the Luanda Roadmap aimed at normalising the political relations between the DRC and Rwanda stressing that the initiatives by the AU, EAC and ICGLR are complementary and mutually reinforcing.

They encourage President J Lorenço in his mission as facilitator of a constructive dialogue between the two brother countries DRC and Rwanda.

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