Nigeria: Terror Alert Is a Ploy to Destabilise Nigeria, Experts Claim

2 November 2022

Security experts have said the terror alert on Abuja is a ploy by the United States and its allies to destabilise the country.

The experts who faulted the publication of the alerts, said the foreign embassies are riding on lack of trust between Nigerians and their government.

A public and private security analyst and trainer, Major Banjo Daniel (rtd) who accused the US of funding EndSARS movement, alleged that the US embassy deliberately released the alert to stoke fear.

"They have been giving us such information but if the US is serious about what happens in Nigeria,if they have first grade information or intelligence, they know where to go.

"They don't have to advertise and publish it in the papers. It should have been covertly done, but since they didn't do that, I conclude that it was a plan and ploy of the US itself."

US Terror Alert Needless, No Cause For Alarm -Federal Govt

He claimed that the EndSARS protest was not just a protest but a subversive plan.

"They know what they are planning. It's their ploy and plan to make sure that Nigeria worsens," he adds.

He calls on the Nigerian government to brace up for more terrorist and bandit attacks. While calling for complete annihilation of bandits, he urged the federal government to quit the kid glove attitude towards bandits, as it is building support for them in local communities.

A former Chief of Defence Staff, Air Marshal Al - Amin Daggash, says the wide distrust between the government and it's citizens is responsible for the panic following the foreign missions' terror alert on Abuja.

He explained that the panic is a result of leadership failure, due to nonchalant attitude of people in government, especially in the security sector.

He noted that foreign missions can issue terror alerts because the government has allowed them to do so, by virtue of their attitude towards governance.

"We allowed it, we are nonchalant, we are not considerate of what is going on in the country. We should be the first observers, we should be the first people to shout and yell. And then if we can't solve our problem, we allow foreigners to help us.

"Not foreigners to start shouting and yelling, 'Look, you have this trouble, or that. We allowed this because we have been showing lack of concern and lack of attitude towards these things. It is all our fault."

Daggash said that people will no longer believe the government, because the past has shown that the federal authorities have made a lot of unfulfilled promises.

He reiterated that everything happening now, boils down to governance... "the failure or totality of no governance. People are not doing their job because they are only looking to cut corners and put some money into their pockets," he complained.

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