Liberia: NEKTAA Launches U.S.$18,000 'Water for Life' Project in New Kru Town

Monrovia — The New Kru Town Association in the Americas (NEKTAA) has launched a 'water for life' project, valued at US$18,000, in the Borough of New Kru Town in collaboration with Representative Dixon Wlawlee Seboe.

Serving as keynote speaker at a town hall meeting on 29 October, Deputy House Speaker Jonathan Fonati Kofa said the project will ensure that hand pumps are built when and where necessary.

Cllr. Kofa said safe drinking water is very essential, especially in an area, as densely populated as the borough.

He said he is pleased to identify with NEKTAA's project because it is critical to the national infrastructure.

"We are impressed that members of NEKTAA, so organized themselves, to be able to say although we are five thousand miles away, we can't forget where we come from. That is the important aspect of who we are and where we live.

"As men and women, we can go far. We can accomplish a lot. We can do many things the world over, but it is your memory and your giving back to where you have come from that truly marks who we are and establishes what is called legacy," said Kofa.

He pledged to construct six hand pumps but told NEKTAA to pick-up the funds for two hand pumps next week.

For her part, NEKTAA President Walea Tetee Kofa-Payne hopes to use this project to expand their network with residents and forge collaboration to serve and support socio economic and health initiatives for the wellbeing of the people.

Mrs. Kofa-Payne encouraged all residents of the borough to volunteer with NEKTAA to undertake meaningful self-help initiatives for the implementation in the borough under the theme "community service".

"Implementing this water for life project shows NEKTAA loves and cares for this borough. We are grateful for the life we had in New Kru Town and will always identify with our community.

"The provision of safe, clean and readily accessible water is crucial for residents' health. The lack of clean water is a safety and public health issue (disease prevention).

"Clean and safe water is essential for drinking, domestic use, food production and many other recreation purposes. The allotment of the hand pumps is not just a provision of hand pump.

"It is a provision of safe drinking 'water for life' as this clean water from this hand pump will promote wellness, health, and enhance the quality of life of the people in the communities," she narrated.

Mrs. Kofa-Payne thanked patrons in Liberia, who contributed and made pledges, friends, well-wishers and citizens for allowing NEKTAA to serve their community.

"I leave you with this African proverb. If you want to walk fast, walk alone but if you want to walk far, walk together. Choose /decide this day to walk with NEKTAA and we will all go far with many projects to benefit our community," she concluded.

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