Liberia: U.S. Congressman Biah Presents Citation of Recognition to "Friends of Massachusetts" for Hard Work

Boston — The friends of Massachusetts an organization base in the United States have received special recognition from the Rhode Island House of Representatives for its selfless and devoted work to their local community.

Presenting the citation to the group on behalf of the House of Representatives recently, Congressman Nathan W. Biah, who represents the 3rd District in the Rhode Island House of Representatives, congratulated the group for their commitment to conducting themselves more respectfully.

Representative Biah, on behalf of the entire membership of the Rhode Island parliament, extended best wishes to the group and expressed hope that they will continue in good fortune.

At the same time, on -behalf of FOMA Mr. Prince Woods, a Liberian, and president of the organization, lauded the Rhode Island House of Representatives for such a rewarding recognition something he says, the group will not easily forget.

Woods who was inducted along with several other co-workers on the same day, thank not only the US congressman for attending the occasion but used the time to appreciate his colleagues for the confidence repose in him.

The Liberian humanitarian in his acceptance speech says, his election as president of the "Friends of Massachusetts" is not something he sees lightly, as he promised to represent the group in its best interest. "My main goal this year is to encourage the membership to make a difference" Woods notes.

He revealed how his administration will undertake several initiatives to assist both young and elderly people.

Woods explained how elderly immigrants in the Worcester community, Massachusetts, are confronted with many challenges including maintaining their independence, economic security, active relations with their friends and families, and reaping the benefits of American immigration among several other issues.

He said with these enormous challenges the old folks are facing coal efforts must be made to serve them something he says, his leadership is committed to doing.

FOMA's newly inducted president notes; that under his leadership, the organization will assist the elders in communicating with them and ensuring that they have equitable access to government programs and services.

He named the offering of free programs and services to elderly immigrants, helping them navigate the complex system of public benefits and long-term care programs as other major initiatives and programs his leadership will focus on.

Prince Woods says his team's free program and services will focus on health screening and health education, assisting to navigate health and safety benefits, citizenship and other immigration benefits preparation, including English instruction as well, elder abuse and neglect identification and intervention, disease awareness, combating depression and other projects.

Meanwhile, the FOMA boss has promised a few days from now, to engage elderly immigrants, refugees, and undocumented immigrant communities to discuss issues regarding services for elderly immigrants, research issues in specific ethnic populations, conduct surveys among providers of services and have recurring conversations with major funders, officials and other aging network stakeholders.

Woods has in the same way noted that he has focused on engaging young people to desist from violent behavior.

"We will play the primary role in assisting to prevent youth violence, juvenile delinquency and criminal victimization of juvenile" the FOMA boss asserts.

He continues that the Friends of Massachusetts can successfully assist in changing local conditions to help youth become law-abiding, and productive immigrants and citizens; a fight he says will require the inclusion of all community members; including business leaders, media representatives, teachers, parents, and grandparents, young people, policymakers, clergymen, elected officials, and law enforcement.

"Everyone of us is responsible for the health and well-being of children, when all members of the community work together to achieve common goals, everyone benefits from the strength of a working partnership" Woods noted.

The group through its President believes with medium and small-scale community mobilization efforts, they can be successful and effective.

FOMA Boss challenged his team members to step up and embrace themselves toward genuine change.

He then encouraged those inducted along with him not to ignore the confidence of their colleagues noting, how they must utilize the opportunity to serve.

The induction ceremony brought together several Africans with dominant Liberians based in the US.

Those elected and inducted into office include Mr. Prince Woods-President, Mr. Emmanuel B. Ndebeh vice president, Mr. Aloysius Hinneh Secretary General, Mr. Francis Artey, Financial secretary, Tom J.O.B Knowry, financial secretary, Mrs. Tawa Woods assisting secretary and Mr. Thomas Nyenswah chaplain among others.

The elected officers, according to the organization's by-laws, will serve for two years beginning October 2022.

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