Liberia: JFK Gets First Postwar Pediatric Operating Theater

The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Medical Center (JFKMC) has opened its doors to a dedicated children's Operating Room with the support from global charities Smile Train and Kids Operating Room (KidsOR).

Located on the 4th floor of the JFK Medical Center, the remodeling of the Operating Theater is a refurbished one intended to exclusively serve the pediatric population of Liberia.

Smile Train program manager for West Africa, Victoria Awazie, acknowledged the need to prioritize surgical care for children.

She praised the long-standing partnership with JFK in providing timely surgical care for children with cleft.

"There are still many children in need of quality surgical care in Liberia. We are happy to have funded the refurbishment of the theater at JFK, one of our longest-serving cleft care center and KidsOR brought life to the theaters with the pristine equipment and vibrant artwork," said Awazie.

"It is such a pleasant experience for patients and medical professionals alike," Awazie noted.

This Pediatric Operating Theater is fully furnished and equipped with state-of-the-art pediatric surgical equipment to ensure an ambiance suitable for the effective and safe treatment of pediatric population. The benefits of having a fully equipped and furnished Pediatric Operating Theater are innumerable.

The Theater will greatly enhance pediatric surgical interventions, provide an enabling environment that is calming and less intimidating to children, and also be reserved for the exclusive use of pediatric patrons. Most importantly, there will also be training for dedicated staff to cater to pediatric patients at the facility.

First Lady Clar Marie Weah, who did the official dedication of the facility, commended the Management of the JFK Medical Center under the leadership of Dr. Jerry Brown.

She thanked the management for the level of development and transformation that is taking place at the nation's premier Medical Center.

Madam Weah stressed the importance for pediatrics in Liberia and emphasized that it's great for young Liberians to get training of pediatrics.

For his part, the Chief Executive Officer and General Administrator of the JFK Medical Center Dr. Jerry Fahnloe Brown provided a brief historicity of the project and also outlined some challenges and achievements of his administration.

He used the occasion to encourage parents to first seek medical advice from Doctors at the JFK Medical Center concerning their children's medical conditions before making a decision to take them abroad.

According to Dr. Brown, most of those medical conditions affecting their children can be treated by Doctors right here in Liberia.

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