Liberia: Court Issues Arrest Order for Indicted 27-Year-Old Man Charged With Power Theft, Economic Sabotage

Monrovia — The Gardnersville Magisterial Court on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, issued a writ of arrest and imprisoned a 27-year-old man identified as James Tamba for stealing LEC Meters and streetlights in the Beh-wein Community in Barnersville - Montserrado County. The writ also added that defendant James Tamba was purporting in the Beh-wein Community at 1:30AM on Sunday, October 30, 2022, as an electrician of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

Following up with Court officials on the issue, the Coordinator of the Power Theft Task Force of LEC, Madame Mary Broh called on the Government of Liberia to set up a fast-track court to try anyone caught stealing the electrical power, LEC meters and streetlights. Madam Broh is also warning that the government will shortly introduce a stringent measure to prosecute would-be criminals. "We want to elevate the process of handling power theft currently and prioritize that within the Judiciary," Madam Broh emphasized.

Madame Broh added that in many countries, this type of crime is classified as economic sabotage." "So, we are working with the government to make sure that all those caught in power theft are taken through a quick (fast-track) court process. She indicated that despite their robustness in curbing the power theft, they need the support of various communities in Monrovia and its environs. According to her, some communities are supportive in helping the LEC fight power theft but added that the efforts from every community are needed

Madame Broh also disclosed that they are working with the communities and political leaders who are residing in the various communities to help the special taskforce team with information about illegal connections. Because of the support from the Behwein Community in Barnersville, Broh stated the 27-year-old man identified as James Tamba, was arrested for "power theft" on Sunday morning. Tamba has been charged with theft of property and has been forwarded to the Monrovia Central Prison by the Gardnerville Magisterial Court for illegally tempering with power lines, meters and streetlights of the Liberia Electricity Corporation.

"LEC considers the arrest as a major boost in the fight against electricity theft'," Madam Broh stated.

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