Liberia: George Wisner - Weah Has Lost Moral Ground to Seek Second Term

President George Weah (file photo).

A stalwart of the Unity Party, Mr. George Wisner, who recently declared support for the candidacy of CPP Standard Bearer Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, says the failure of President George Weah to transform the lives of Liberians has led to the President losing ground in his quest to seek second term in office.

"Let me tell you something, Mr. Weah has lost every moral ground to a second term in the upcoming elections in 2023", Mr. Wisner notes.

He says vast majority of the Liberian people, including supporters of President Weah had high expectations, given that he came from the grassroots, but Mr. Weah has disappointed everyone.

Speaking to OK FM on Tuesday in Monrovia, he said President Weah only cares about himself, forgetting to know that the people entrusted him with power overwhelmingly because of their quest for change.

"Everyone expected that Weah would have put aside his self-interest and focus on the people, having come from a humble background", he notes, and adds, "President [Weah] has betrayed the people's trust by ignoring their plights; instead, building mansion for himself, getting private jets while his followers are getting into things that are undermining the progress of the country."

According to him, President Weah doesn't deserve a second chance but quickly notes that because the vast majority of the people are angry with the President doesn't mean 2023 will be a walk in the park for anyone wanting to unseat at the poll.

Wisner, who has joined Team Cummings, emphasizes "We ourselves have to earn the trust of the people; it's clear and there's no doubt that people are angry with Weah, but their anger doesn't mean they will embrace the opposition; we have to make a case to them that we can do better than Weah."

He says Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, who is also leader of the Alternative National Congress, represents fresh air that Liberians are yearning for to drive new dynamism for the country.

"What we are experiencing currently in this country is to address the bread-and-butter issues, before playing politics."

Wisner continues that politics has been played for too long, but the pressing issue now confronting citizens is economics or the survivability of households.

"Our pressing issue now is about women getting up in the morning and being clear how they will feed their children; it's about civil servants who have been made poor in this government; it's about the market woman, who finds it difficult to send her children to school", he adds.

He says given the current actors on the stage, the CPP provides the best alternative because it is a combination of fresh ideas and people who have been engaged in policymaking.

"Besides, we have a candidate, who understands the private sector and knows exactly what is required to return investment in the country."

The former Executive Director of the National Investment Commission (NIC) recently pledged to canvass for Mr. Cummings to win the presidency in 2023.

"I remain a member of the Unity Party, but given the current precarious state of the economy, the deterioration of Liberia's international image, and poor governance, at this moment, the best person that can bring about renewal and rescue the country from this dilemma is the CPP, through its standard bearer Alexander B Cummings", Wisner said.

A strategist and former National Campaign Coordinator for the Unity Party during the 2011 Presidential and Legislative elections, he explains that his decision to support Mr. Cummings over his party's Standard Bearer former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai is based on Mr. Cummings' history of effective leadership, values, discipline, honesty, and commitment to purpose as well as his vision for economic transformation of Liberia. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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