Liberia: French Court Hands Liberian Rebel Kunti Kamara Life Sentence for War Crimes

Acquitted (file photo).

A Paris court has sentenced a former Liberian rebel commander to life in jail for violence against civilians and complicity in crimes against humanity after France's first trial linked to Liberia's civil wars.

On Wednesday, the criminal court found Kunti Kamara guilty of crimes against civilians between 1993 and 1994 - including a teacher whose heart he reportedly ate - and for not preventing soldiers under his command from repeatedly raping two teenage girls.

The 47-year-old defendant betrayed little emotion when the verdict was pronounced.

The allegations against Kamara date back to the early years of the back-to-back conflicts that would ultimately kill 250,000 people in the Liberia between 1989 and 2003.

The fighting was marked by mass murders, rape and mutilations, in many cases by child soldiers conscripted by warlords, with multiple atrocities committed against civilians.

Kamara was a regional commander of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO) - a rebel group that fought the National Patriotic Front of ex-president Charles Taylor.

Justice for War Crimes in Liberia? An Interview with Adama Dempster | Justice in Conflict "Justice for War Crimes in Liberia? An Interview with Adama Dempster | Justice in Conflict" Adama K. Dempster (@AdamaDempster) October 27, 2022

'Good news' for victims

In the Liberian capital Monrovia, Adama Dempster - secretary general of the Civil Society Human Rights Group - hailed "good news for the numerous victims of atrocities during the Liberian civil war".

"We hope that all those who were perpetrators of savage brutality will have their days in court without exception."

The case was brought by the crimes against humanity division of the Paris court after Kamara was arrested in France in 2018.

The tribunal was set up in 2012 to try suspected perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide detained on French soil, irrespective of where their alleged crimes were committed.

This is the first case taken by the unit that is not related to the 1994 Rwanda genocide.

Today, the Cour d'Assises of Paris sentenced Kunti Kamara, former ULIMO commander, to life imprisonment for #crimesagainsthumanity and #torture. Read the full press release on our website at: Civitas Maxima (@Civitas_Maxima) November 2, 2022

Witnesses testify in Paris

The prosecution had sought a life sentence against Kamara during the three-week trial, which involved witnesses who came from Liberia.

NGO Civitas Maxima, which took legal action against Kamara in 2018, paid tribute to the "courage of the victims and witnesses who came to Paris to testify".

They "further contributed to this extraordinary quest for justice undertaken by Liberian victims who have been forgotten by both their government and the international community".

Kamara consistently denied the allegations and claimed he was the victim of a conspiracy, maintaining he was merely a simple soldier.

Prosecutors accused Kamara of executing civilians and organising forced marches, describing ULIMO's control of Lofa county in northwestern Liberia in the 1990s as a "governance by terror".

The court was told of public executions and the distribution of human flesh and intestines used to mark checkpoints.

A truth and reconciliation commission was set up in 2006 to probe crimes committed during the fighting, but its recommendations, published in 2009, have remained largely unimplemented in the name of keeping the peace in the country.

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