Liberia: Liberty Party Says It Has Not Been Served With Any Notice Convention Halt

Monrovia — The Liberty Party has said it's yet to ascertain the legal reliance upon which the National Elections Commission (NEC) based its request to put a hold on its pending Convention.

On Wednesday, Nov. 2, the NEC, through Mr. Ignatius Wesseh, director on political Affairs, mandated Mr. Bility and others to cease from proceeding with their planned convention, which should have taken in Gbarnga, Bong County from November 4 to 6.

The NEC's decision is based on a complaint filed to the Commission by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence against Bility and others, after the case was forwarded to the hearing officer for investigation.

But the LP in a release Wednesday, said it's perplexed with the NEC's request, claiming the party hasn't been served with any notice regarding such decision from the election body.

"It can be recalled that Sen. Karnga-Lawrence and others had pulled the same stunt when they never received any notification from the NEC about the complaint referenced in the communications," the party said.

The Liberty Party further said its constitution has the same requirement in line with the NEC regulations, which states that the Convention, which is the supposed subject of the complaint, was previously delayed because it was the petition that has already been disposed of by the Supreme Court ruling from the then Justice and now Chief Justice, Sie-ANyene Yuoh.

The request to put a stay order on the Convention, according to Liberty Party, is in contradiction of the Office of the Chief Dispute Hearing Officer, Cllr. MuanaS. Ville and the Political Affairs Officer after they filed a Petition for Injunction to halt the last LP Special National Convention one day before the Convention.

"This comes as no surprise that they are again making a last-ditch effort to continue to cause chaos in the LP, for Ignatius B. Wesseh to request a stay on the LP National Convention just reminds us about what he did in the past," the party said.

The LP says it views the timing of this supposed NEC request as a clear ploy to disrupt and delay the Convention, with the deliberate intention of leaving the LP with no time to seek a remedy before the Convention starts, subject of a Petition for Prohibition filed at the Supreme Court by Sen. Karnga-Lawrence and others.

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