Liberia: Bridge International Risks Legislative Contempt

The House of Representatives is expected to charge Bridge International Academies with contempt for failure to submit to Legislative inquiry.

On separate occasions, Bridge International now New Globe, has refused to submit to inquiry.

The House of Representatives summoned the Management of Bridge Liberia on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, on fraudulent charges, but the institution failed to appear.

Reports have it that they have been doing back dealings with some members of the Legislature in the hope that the issue with them gets overturned, leaving some lawmakers without any alternative but to hold them in contempt. Bridge Liberia is currently managed by Gbovadeh Gbilia, a former Minister under ex-President Sirleaf.

Montserrado county district#9 Representative Saah Foko recently told the Legislature that the company is defrauding government in millions from duty free privileges that it should not be entitled to.

He decried the deplorable conditions of government schools under Bridge's watch, alleging that company making millions and using less on schools here.

Rep. Foko is calling for a full financial outlook of Bridge Liberia on their one hundred United States Dollars per child and how that is greatly impacting education in Liberia.

The House of Representatives recently cited the Minister of Education and the Management of Bridge Liberia to appear before that Body.

Plenary took the decision on Tuesday, 25th October during its 2nd day sitting of the third quarter following a communication from Representative Frank Saah Foko, Jr, in which he stated that Bridge International Academies, continues to defraud the Liberian government through duty free and other privileges.

According the Montserrado lawmaker, if this is happening right within Montserrado, it worries him about Bridge's operations with schools in Maryland, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, Lofa and other far to reach counties.

Foko noted that in fact, it took President George Weah to renovate a Bridge school, the Kendeja Public School in RLJ area before it became conducive for students.

"How can they account for all the monies they get in Liberia's name when we barely see what they do on the ground? Bridge has no assets, bank accounts of any sort that can at least guarantee their stability and accountability in Liberia". Rep. Foko alerted his colleagues.

According to him, one of the company's annual reports in his possession revealed that it generated about six million US Dollars from donors.

Foko continued that in the last three years alone, Bridge Liberia has moved to three new offices like squatters and working conditions are very unfavorable.

"There is barely a vehicle they own to their name, lest you say a bike for their rural workers. This is a scam Hon. Speaker and colleagues". The lawmaker's communication said.

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