Liberia: Cummings Reassures Liberians of Better Life

Opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) political leader Mr. Alexander Cummings has reassured Liberians of a better and improved standard of living upon his ascendancy as President after the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

During his tour of District One, lower Montserrado County on Wednesday, 2 November 2022, Mr. Cummings vowed that his presidency will uphold every tenant of good governance.

He told citizens that he will act differently and not engage in acts of corruption or repeat past official misconducts that have made the life of the Liberian people miserable and subjected them to extreme poverty and suffering.

Mr. Cummings toured Louisiana, Harrisburg, White Plain, Crozerville, Bensonville, and Todee District.

He was accompanied by party stalwarts and supporters in the longest of vehicle convoys and was greeted by hundreds of citizens along the way.

The citizens later lamented years of government neglect and decried their current poor living standards and conditions.

The visit to Bensonville was a citizen engagement meeting.

During the visit, youths, elders, teachers, and students sought clarifications and explanations on how a CPP government intends to improve education, and health care services, foster political unity and stop the massive stealing and the acquisition of illegal wealth at the detriment of the Liberian people.

In response, Cummings vowed a stronger criminal justice system to deal with corrupt public officials.

At the same time, he said his government would ensure civil servants, teachers, and security personnel including police, and soldiers are paid decent salaries to enable them to provide better care for their families.

On the issue of fostering political unity, Mr. Cummings spoke of the need for unity in diversity.

"We may not only need unity to win in the 2023 Presidential elections, but we will need unity to govern Liberia," said Mr. Cummings.

During the tour, the CPP standard bearer made passionate appeals for Liberians to turn out in mass and register during the Voters' Registration exercise.

Also encouraged Liberians to vote against the second term bid of President George Manneh Weah.

He blamed President Weah for the deteriorating economic conditions and lack of basic social services in the country.

The National Elections Commission timetable sets December 15, 2022, to March 17, 2023, as the date for the Voters' Registration exercise nationwide.

Liberian citizens who have attained the age of 18 years are eligible to register and vote in the presidential and legislative elections slated for October 2023.

Cummings said it's a patriotic duty and responsibility for every eligible Liberian to register and use the power of the vote to change Liberia.

He added that Liberians must express their frustration and dissatisfaction against the entire corrupt leadership of President Weah.

He cautioned Liberians against refusing to register and vote to change Liberia, saying it will be a political suicide and a disservice to Liberia.

He said it will be a disservice to the birth of a new nation free of corruption, nepotism, and marginalization.

He assured Liberians of forming a government of inclusions, in which every person, irrespective of political, tribal, and religious backgrounds, will enjoy equal opportunities and rights in keeping with the law.

Along the routes to Louisinna, Harrisburg, White Plains, Crozerville, Bensonville, and Todee District, the CPP Standard Bearer made brief stops at several schools and institutions.

He assured residents of a better Liberia in which all citizens will share in the benefits of the country's abundant natural resources and wealth.

In Harrisburg, a group styled Friends of Destiny, at a special program attended by hundreds of citizens, endorsed the Presidential bid of Mr. Cummings.

They described him as the best among the various forerunners in the 2023 race for the Presidency of Liberia.

Friends of Destiny, a social organization, established over six years ago in 2014, with an estimated 7000 membership also pledged its unflinching support to Madam Rugie Barry, Representative Aspirant for Montserrado County District number one in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

In Todee District, a special program attended by hundreds of citizens and supporters in Koon Town, Mr. Cummings was accorded a rousing welcome.

He was presented with kola and white chicken, indicative of their appreciation for the visits.

Elders, women, and youth groups expressed indignation about the deplorable road conditions and extreme suffering and poverty, depriving them of a better life.

A mini football and kickball tournament in honor of the CPP Standard Bearer was organized by the youths of Koon Town and six surrounding villages.

During the tournament, Mr. Cummings donated sporting materials including jerseys and footballs, pledging sincere commitment to work for the general good of the people and society.

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