Liberia: Govt, Partner Makes Cash Transfer to Flood Victims in Montserrado

Monrovia — Several Flood Victims have benefited from cash transfers from Government and the International Rescue Committee.

Speaking during the Weekend in Plumkor Community, National Disaster Management Agency, Deputy Executive Director for Operations, Augustine Tamba said the cash disbursement is part of recovery plans for most vulnerable people affected by floods in the community and parts adjacent.

He further explained that 48 communities in Montserrado County were affected during the rainy season, stating that 9 communities were eye marked for the cash transfer with 1000 Households expected to benefit throughout the 9 communities with Plumkor Community benefiting 110 households for cash transfer.

Tamba narrated that 164.50 United States Dollars will be given to the various beneficiaries stating that cash transfers will be done on a rolling basis to affected communities.

The National Disaster Management Agency Deputy Director acknowledged the continuous support of the International Rescue Committee.

He noted that IRC is one of the Agency's most supportive and consistent partners in recovery action plans for victims of disasters stating that the National Disaster Management Agency is cognizant of the many services the IRC has rendered and continues to render to the Government and People of Liberia.

The Disaster Agency Executive expressed utmost thanks to the victims for fully corporating with the Agency in the best ways to tackle post-disaster impacts.

Deputy Executive Director, Tamba intoned that the affected communities' residents will be assisted by best practices to give a fair share of the donors funded initiatives.

Also speaking, International Rescue Committee Country Focal Person Madam Diana Bedell Mejeco said IRC has been working with the National Disaster Management Agency in responding to flood victims noting that the cash transfer will help procure some of the required items for their homes.

Madam Mejeco further explained that the IRC is an International Organization that's focused on conflict resolution, humanity, and disaster activities and is very committed to the service of humanity across the globe indicating that everyone's body needs better livelihoods.

She encouraged beneficiaries to fully use the funds to purchase materials that will help in reconditioning their homes there were damaged as a result of the floods during the rainy season.

The IRC's Focal Person who is also a certified Project Officer indicated that the project has a three months duration in the tone of 250,000 United States Dollars and will be disbursed across to hundreds of flood victims for recovery purposes and will target the most affected communities and residents.

She then encouraged beneficiaries to use the cash for intentions to enable them to recondition their damaged homes and places affected.

For their part beneficiaries who were seen as full of excitement lauded the National Disaster Management Agency and the International Rescue Committee for the timely gesture.

The Plumkor Community residents intoned that the program is timely for the recovery of their livelihoods noting that they were challenged from the days the floods invaded their homes and had no means of catering to the refurbishment of their homes.

The joyous recipients of the money expressed signs of needfulness for the cash as they called fellow community residents to swiftly cooperate with the National Disaster Management Agency to carry out the various cash transfer processes and formalities.

They further promised to use monies for the purpose intended stating that the cash will bring total relief to them.

Two of the Beneficiaries who spoke to Front Page Africa expressed their sincere thanks to the Government of Liberia through the National Disaster Management Agency and the International Rescue Committee for swiftly adhering to their calls during their challenging times.

Synopsis of Floods in Liberia

Studies have shown that in Liberia, around 2.2 million people are exposed to floods, 320,000 to coastal erosion, and 2.1 million to windstorms. And with the impact of climate change, the country is expected to see increased risks from these natural disasters.

Reports have further revealed that Parts of Liberia, including the capital Monrovia, experienced flooding after days of heavy rain in the country.

Flooding hit Monrovia and surrounding areas of Montserrado County on 18 July 2018. The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) said the flooding caused significant material damage and severe transport problems. Flooding also affected parts of neighboring Margibi County. As of 19 July, a total of 31,186 people were affected, including thousands of children.

The NDMA, responsible for coordinating disaster management in Liberia, says it has been working around the clock along with other government agencies and international partners to provide support to people affected by flooding.

As of 19 July, 28,630 people were affected by flooding in Montserrado County, including 6,928 children, according to the latest figures from NDMA. Many of the areas affected are in and around Monrovia. At least 187 homes have been damaged by the flooding.

In Margibi County, flooding has affected 2,556 people, with Joe Blow Town being the worst hit, with 1,596 people affected. Elsewhere in Margibi County, Unification Town, Down Town, and Duazon were also affected.

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