Gambia: IEC Chairman Announces Date for Local Govt Elections

11 November 2022

Chairman of The Gambia Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Alieu Momar Njai, has announced the date for the 2023 elections of Ward councillors, Chairmanship and Mayors in the eight Local Government Areas of the country.

Speaking on Wednesday at a stakeholder consultative forum and launch of the activities for the upcoming Local Government elections, Chairman Njai said the councillorship elections in the 120 wards will be held on 15 April 2023, while the Chairmanship and Mayoral elections will be held on 20 May 2023.

"For the past weeks, a huge number of highly qualified Gambians have raised concern in vying for the most competitive seats of the Brikama Chairmanship, Mayors of the Kanifing Municipal Council and the Banjul City Council.

The upcoming elections are considered the most competitive after the separation of the 2016 political coalition, which contributed to the victory of many seat holders within and beyond the Greater Banjul Area (GBA).

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