Liberia: CDC Royal Guard Endorses Cummings

15 November 2022

-Present cash as part of support to CPP

Hundreds of citizens, community leaders and organizations, including the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Royal Guard in Districts Four and Six, Montserrado County, on Sunday, November 13, pledged support and presented separate statements of solidarity to Mr. Alexander B. Cummings,

In their separate statements, the groups vowed to support the 2023 Presidential bid of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) Standard Bearer.

Denouncing the CDC and rebranding the CDC Royal Guard, as the new CPP Royal Guard, head of the group, Ansu Bility, expressed disappointment in the leadership of President George Weah, withdrew the group support to the CDC, and presented L$10,000.00 to the CPP Campaign Team, as manifestation of the group's allegiance and support to Mr. Cummings's 2023 Presidential bid.

The former CDC Royal Guard, with huge membership and followers, is said to be heavily concentrated in Montserrado and Margibi Counties.

Several other communities, including Duport Road Community, Rockhill, GSA Road Community, King Gray Town, Studio Junction Community and Menitana, presented statements of support, describing the CPP Standard Bearer as the best and most competent alternative for the Presidency in 2023.

The tour of Districts Four and Six by Cummings and hundreds of CPP stalwarts, supporters, and sympathizers, was climaxed with a jam-packed Town Hall meeting at the Paynesville City Hall in Monrovia.

The town hall discussion was structured in three categories: Leadership, the Economy, and Governance. This afforded citizens the opportunity to engage, seek explanations/ clarifications, and provide input to Cummings's vision for REAL CHANGE in the lives of millions trapped in extreme suffering and poverty.

On the Economy, Mr. Cummings vowed to resuscitate the ailing economy within his first hundred days in office as President by ensuring the availability of import and export credit facilities for small, medium and large businesses in Liberia.

He said such credit facilities intended to grow and expand businesses, will be at very low interest for all Liberians desirous of doing business.

Cummings said the CPP Government within its first hundred days, would endeavor to improve all market facilities and construct Warehouses for markerters and farmers to store their goods and products.

Cummings vowed to establish a national youth service program, to train and equip youths with technical skills, that will enable them to become productive citizens. He promised a comprehensive audit of government, aggressively attacking corruption, strengthening integrity institutions including the LACC and GAC to fight corruption, while at the same time increasing civil servants' salaries to enable them better to cater to their families while reducing their need to be corrupt.

Cummings said implementing women's economic empowerment programs will be a key priority of his first hundred days as President. His goal is to ensure that women are lifted out of poverty and live better lives.

Cummings said his international managerial skills and enviable record of building high performance teams guarantee a new leadership style free of corruption, wasteful spending, and impunity. Ho promised that the country's resources will purposely be used for the general good of the people and society.

Cummings said hard work, commitment and dedication to duty will be the hallmark of the CPP Government and all Liberians will be accorded equal rights to jobs and opportunities.

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