Gambia: Nana Trains CRR Nurses On Early Initiation of Breastfeeding

14 November 2022

The National Nutrition Agency (NaNA), in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Ministry of Health recently, concluded a two-day training orientation for nurses in Central River Region (CRR) on early initiation of breastfeeding. The event was funded by UNICEF.

The orientation was aimed at enhancing nurses' knowledge on early initiation of breastfeeding in the region.

Omar Barrow, regional principal nurse at Bansang Hospital, said early breastfeeding is very important for a new infant as the first food, especially within the first 30 minutes to one hour after birth.

He added that early initiation of breastfeeding goes a long way in increasing the child's health. He therefore called on women to initiate and adapt early breastfeeding to help their newly born babies.

Fabakary Bass, field coordinator for NaNA, called on nurses to deliver the message at their various health centers.

Mr Bass also urged elderly women to help young mothers in breastfeeding their children to ensure they do it the right way.

Participants commended organizers and funders for staging such training for them. They said the training has enhanced their knowledge on early breastfeeding. They also promised to share the knowledge gained as well as deliver the message at their respective health centres.

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