Gambia: Good Morning Mr President - OIC Summit and COPG

14 November 2022

Hosting OIC Summit in The Gambia

Mr President, watching the coverage of the OIC projects on state TV, we have noted a lot of issues surrounding hosting the OIC Summit in The Gambia this year. In the first place, we wonder whether within seven weeks the construction of the 20 road projects and the 5-star hotel will actually be completed for the summit to be held in The Gambia this year.

People are beginning to cast doubt on whether the conference will be held in The Gambia this year since the year is coming to an end with only seven weeks remaining.

It should be noted that this summit can be postponed, as it has happened in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, and Senegal. In fact for Senegal, hosting the summit in that country was postponed three times before it was finally hosted there in 2008 for the second time.

Mr President, considering the fact that ample time is needed for the construction of roads, the star hotel and the like, the government should not rush the OIC projects and get bad quality of work at the end of the day. And since the raining season has ended, workers of the roads and the hotel should exert more efforts to complete the job without further ado.

Mr President, your government should work hard to meet the challenges of hosting the OIC summit in The Gambia without serious blemish. Having reliable electricity and water supply with good internet service and security should be given priority; hence necessary support is needed to get good roads, sound transport and communication service, and security devices such as CCTV and other mechanisms.

Also, more support is really needed to get the construction and infrastructure work done for the summit, since cost and prices of building materials have increased tremendously over time due to the Russian-Ukraine war and the depreciation of the dalasi.

The OIC Secretariat in Banjul and the Gambia government should work together to get all Muslim states to give a helping hand to The Gambia to meet the challenges of hosting the OIC summit, with better preparations, in 2023.

Mr President, it is also glorifying to note that The Gambia has been identified to host the Muslim World League conference from 6 to 8 December 2022. The Muslim World League with 54-member states is the parent body of the OIC with a following of 57-member states.

Coalition of Progressive Gambians (CoPG)

Finally, Mr President, our advice is that your government should enter into proper dialogue with the Coalition of Progressive Gambians (CoPG) to come out with a positive result that will put to an end any possible demonstration or protest in the country. Having matters of the intended protest resolved amicably is in the interest of the nation, as it will pave way for peace and unity in the country.

Whilst the Coalition is raising legitimate concerns as regards economic hardship in the country, it is a known fact that the current global recession is also affecting The Gambia, mainly because of the Russia-Ukraine war.

It is also advisable that the business community, in particular shop keepers, do not take advantage of the situation or use the war in Ukraine as an excuse to be increasing unduly prices of basic commodities in the country. House owners or landlords and ladies should also be mindful of how they increase house or property rental in the country.

In the absence of price control in the country, the business community seem to be manipulating the situation to frequently increase prices of basic commodities without justification.

It is also advisable that the Ministry of Trade, with the help of the police, continues to monitor the business climate to forestall unjustifiable increment of prices of commodities and punish culprits.

Corruption Accusation

Mr President, some officials in government are being accused of involving in massive corruption. Hence people are calling for these public officials to be prosecuted to curb corruption in government. Our advice is that Parliament should work hard to enact the bill on setting up an anti-corruption commission to look at all allegations, with proof, against public officials. And anyone found culpable should face the full force of the law.

Persistent economic hardship caused by especially uncontrollable price hikes and wanton corruption by public officials, may attract demonstration or protests from people and groups like Coalition of Progressive Gambians.

Nevertheless, we are saying also that people have a right to demonstrate but it must be done peacefully; not violently. And in the event of such protests or demonstration, the security apparatus should be alert to monitor the procession so that intruders or bad people who may want to take advantage of the situation to bring about instability, violence and theft are prevented from doing so.

Good Day

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