Liberian Students Benefit Under the Macdella Cooper Foundation Initiative

Monrovia — Ten international students from the Fratelli Tutti Political School in Italy are in Liberia as part of a student exchange program organized by the school. The students' visit to Liberia is under the Macdella Cooper Foundation Student Exchange program.

The current visit is the second cohort of students to visit Liberia. The students are from Indonesia, Iraq, Colombia, Argentina, Kurdistan-Iraq, India and Nigeria. They are part of 50 other students divided into five groups of ten sent to countries including Mozambique, Italy, Argentina and few other countries around the world on similar mission.

The students along with their professor are in Liberia to build relationship with local communities to understand their issues affecting them. The exchange program is also intended to serve as an experience sharing and lesson learn initiative. Their visit is also to help them understand the impact of politics practice by politicians around the world and as new breed of politicians how can they change the idea of doing politics around the world.

"We went to communities to feel and live with what we see on movie. This is our second trip to Liberia. We are here to interact with the kids to listen to them to hear what their issues are. Everyone is telling us about education and we know that if we are to solve our global challenges we need to start with the kids.

"Our aim was not to bring them scholarship, because scholarship will end at some point. Our way is to help families rely on themselves for sustainable livelihood."

The team visited CharlesVille in Lower Margibi County and has established relationship with the locals in that part of the country. According to them, almost all of the people and kids they have interacted with have told them their main challenge is access to education. As part of the sustainable partnership they intend to build with local communities, they work with community dwellers to plant vegetables corps that could earn them money in the future to support their livelihoods.

"Whatever we want to do we want it to last for a longer period. Our work and vision are short term, medium term and long term. We are trying to build a network of teachers by bringing teachers here. As a school, we will return every year with different cohort of students to continue our work."

The team members comprising students include; Anna Nurawalia (Indonesia), Rachel Benson (Liberia), Romina Jameel (Iraq), Andries Fontalro (Colombia) and Esteban Uaca (Argentina). Others include; Sontiago Bermudez (Agentina) staff, Vanina Lucchese (Agentina) Niga Nasraldeen (Kurdistan-Iraq), Illamosi Ekenimoh (Nigeria and Samarth Chauban (India).

About the Fratelli Tutti Political School

Fratelli Tutti Political School's mission is to train the next generation of Global Leaders with a holistic leadership framework focused on serving the common good. The School was launched by Pope Francis in May 2021 and is impulse by two community builders with experience and impact around the globe. Scholars Occurrences Pontifical Foundation and Liderar con Sentido Común Foundation.

The result of the work is a global community of holistic leaders, inspired by humanism, with the skills and network necessary to have a worldwide impact in the decades to come.

The #EPFT is aimed at men and women who are developing - or wish to develop - capacity for social, economic and/or political impact in their communities and in the world. Together with them, the objective is to co-create a renewed vision that ventures to propose new paradigms from the social and existential peripheries of the planet. The deep sense of our quest is to initiate a process of remigration of the world that recovers collective hope and allows us to make all things new, inspired by the gaze, gestures and proposals of the Pope in his Encyclical Fratelli Tutti.

The program brings together 50 youth leaders with the capacity to influence their communities, who are trained for a year in the development of Harmonious Leadership, which is characterized by: A balanced heart, capable of achieving self-knowledge, discovering one's own strengths and weaknesses, capacities and limits, and from there achieving an openness to others that allows us to build collectively, embracing differences and diversity.

A mind inspired by humanism and prepared to conceive a new way of looking at the world with a vocation for profound transformation. Skilled hands to serve the best quality of life of people and societies, to acquire and administer power in a healthy and conscious way, orienting it to the service of the true common good The first FTPS program is aimed at a community of 50 young leaders from 5 continents who, in response to Pope Francis' call to rehabilitate politics and orient it towards the common good, are trained for a year in the development of harmonious leadership.

The Pedagogical Proposal combines a face-to-face / virtual modality and bases the learning on the experiences and experiences that each of the members of the community brings. Each member of FTPS participates in: 24 virtual workshops. 12 global workshops with the presence of the 50 students. 12 focused workshops, in 5 groups of 10. 4 face-to-face meetings. 2 global encounters, which will include the entire educational community.2 field experiences that take place in 5 destinations.

50 young leaders, 27 women and 23 men from 34 countries and representing 5 continents, from diverse cultural and spiritual traditions.

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