Liberia: Weah Must Resign!

President George Manneh Weah of the Republic of Liberia addresses the seventy-third session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2018.
16 November 2022

Opposition demands

A stalwart of the opposition Liberty Party (LP) Mr. Jerry Kerkulah Kollie has called for President George Manneh Weah's resignation for allegedly failing the country miserably.

"As a politician and citizen of this country, it is my democratic right to say to a president that he has failed, he should resign. There is nothing wrong with that," Mr. Kollie said in an interview Tuesday, 15 2022 in Paynesville.

The Bong County representative hopeful for electoral District #2 has urged President Weah to step down and give way to a smooth transition for the nation.

If President Weah does not resign, Kollie is afraid that the country might go back to its dark days.

He claimed that Mr. Weah has miserably failed the country in every sector, and has allegedly misinformed the United Nations General Assembly that he has improved the lives of the Liberian people.

The LP stalwart lamented that poverty, security, and stability of the country remain a huge challenge.

Kollie believes that if President Weah resigns, it would make a good history for Liberia.

He noted that the country has produced the first female president and first female vice president in Africa.

"Weah was elected to perform the job, he hasn't performed the job. So why shouldn't he resign? It could be a good history for Liberia as we're always good at setting history," he noted.

"We could also set good history for a sitting president to resign and not partake in the presidential election," Kollie said.

Kollie said the main reason he's calling for President Weah's resignation is that he has misled the Liberian people.

He said President Weah has described himself as a bad road medicine, but road connectivity in the country remains a major challenge and deplorable.

He made particular reference to roads that connect the rural parts of the country, stressing that they are in deplorable condition.

The Bong legislative hopeful further criticized the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government, saying its Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development is poverty, security threats, and bad roads.

He alleged that President Weah has failed to expand the economy and reduce the country's dependency on its natural resources.

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