Liberia: 15th Judicial Circuit Court Opens for November Term in Rivergee

17 November 2022

Maryland county — Fish Town, River County- The 15th judicial circuit court in River Gee county has opened for the November term of court with judges being urged to conduct themselves in line with the affairs of courts.

The opening ceremony brought together several residents, local authorities and legal officers of the Ministry of Justice on Monday, November 14, 2022.

Resident Judge George W. Smith, who spoke at the official opening, urged judges across the county to conduct themselves in line with affairs of courts across the country.

He said judges should maintain high degree of honesty, fairness, neutrality and courage to enable them render judgments in cases which will promote peace, unity and stability, as well as national development.

Judge Smith stressed that courts must play a significant role in sustaining peace and unity among citizens.

He disclosed that despite encouraging other professional colleagues at the Ministry of Justice, deduction of judicial employees' salaries is absolutely undermining independence of the legal system in the country.

He called on legal actors across the country to remain committed to their respective areas of assignment, as the judiciary is fighting legally to restore their legitimate entitlements.

Judge Smith also stressed that judicial branch is a bare rock for every good nation in terms of fairness and equal justice.

He urged jurors to listen well to both parties in any case that will be brought forth in order to render fair verdict without compromising.

At the same time, he thanked staff of the 15th Judicial Circuit Court for their splendid performance during the August Term of Court and urged them to continue to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities during the November Term A. D. 2022.

For his part, the clerk of the 15th Judicial Circuit Court Madam Sandra O. Dwehswen said the court opened with 20 cases, 11 of which are criminal cases and nine civil cases.

Madam Dwehswen urged residents who have cases in the court to turn out in order to witness the trial process.

Solo B. Teah, Jr., secretary of the trial judges of River Gee, expressed words of gratitude to fellow judicial actors for rendering dedicated services to the county and the country as a whole.

Magistrate Teah noted that judicial compensation must be guaranteed under the law to ensure fair judgment in court.

He urged his colleagues to carefully observe the deduction of judicial workers' salaries whether it is constitutional or political.

Mr. Teah said they await an explanation for the deduction of their salaries, they should remain focused on judicial matters, as they're called to duties.

Meanwhile, Mr. Abu Diallo, civil society organization chairman of Rivergee, thanked judicial workers for their continuous support towards the peace and stability of the country.

Mr. Diallo noted that in the absence of the judicial branch, peace and unity will not exist amongst the people of Liberia.

He also called on the legal actors to immediately investigate Burkinabes crossing over to Liberia for farming activities.

Speaking on behalf of the county attorney, Mr. Joseph Jallah, expressed gratitude for the continued sacrifices being rendered to the judicial system.

He lauded them for their dedicated services despite constraints characterized by deduction in salaries, but caution them to channel their concerns through legal means rather than go slow.

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