Ghana: 3 Political Parties to Join Forces to Wrest Power From NPP in 2024

18 November 2022

Three Nkrumaist political parties have kick-started talks to join forces to wrest power from the gov-erning New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2024 general election.

They are the Convention People's Party (CPP), Progressive People's Party (PPP) and the People's Nation-al Convention (PNC).

According to the parties, they were poised and resolute to join forces to make them formidable and attrac-tive to the electorates to break the political duopoly of the NPP and the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Nana Ofori Owusu, the National Chairman of the PPP, hinted and stated that there was the need for the Nkrumaist parties to unite to prosecute the 2024 general elections with one accord to wrestle power from the NPP.

"The Nkrumaist political par-ties are parties that believe in the ideologies and principles of Ghana's first President, Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is not a reliable alternative because of how abysmally the governing New Patri-otic Party has managed the affairs of the country under the leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

"The NPP/NDC will not take Ghanaians anywhere and it is only the Nkrumaist parties that has the track record of driving the country's industrialisation agenda as evidenced in the First Republic and we are poised and resolute to continue the agenda in order to make the econo-my resilient against internal and ex-ternal shocks," Nana Owusu posited.

The Electoral Commission (EC) has revoked the certificates of 17 political parties, excluding the three Nkrumaist parties, who have no regional and national presence and flouting the laws establishing them, Political Parties Act 2000 (Act 574).

In October 25, 2022, the Com-mission gave the parties to the end of that month to prove why their registrations should not be cancelled after the expiration of the deadline, a notice signed and issued by the Chairperson of EC, Jean Mensa, and published on November 14, 2022.

It stated that pursuant to the pub-lication by the EC dated October 13 and17, 2022, the public was informed the Registration Certificates of 17 political parties had been cancelled in accordance with Section 15 (3) (c) of the Political Parties Law, 2000 (Act 574) effective November 1, 2022.

They were the Democratic Peo-ple's Party (DPP), United Front Party (UFP), United Development System Party (UDSP), Every Ghanaian Living Everywhere (EGLE), Yes People's Party (YPP) and United Ghana Movement (UGM).

Other were Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), New Vision Party (NVP), Ghana Democratic Republi-can Party (GDRP), Ghana National Party (GNP), Power Unity Party (PUP) and United Progressive Party (UPP).

The rest were Reform Patriotic Democrats (RPD), People's Action Party (PAP), United Renaissance Party (URP), National Reform Party (NRP) and United Love Party (ULP).

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