Liberia: President Weah Must Apologize

18 November 2022

-Cummings demands

The leader of Liberia's main opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) Alexander B. Cummings, says President George Manneh Weah should openly apologize to Liberians for creating uneasiness in the country by declaring an unwanted holiday recently, for the conduct of the National Population and Housing Census that failed to kick off as was announced.

Mr. Cummings, who is also Standard Bearer of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), notes that it is a fiasco that government would fool citizens that the 2022 Census is on course when the exercise has failed disastrously, something he attributes to lack of leadership, poor preparation, scandals and general unreadiness.

United States Ambassador to Liberia, Michael A. McCarthy, this week called on Liberian opposition leaders to ask their supporters not to disrupt the ongoing National Population and Housing Census across the country, stressing that it is an important, non-political action required in the Constitution.

Ambassador Michael said donors and friends of Liberia would like to emphasize that the census has begun since Friday, 11 November and it is ongoing up to 22 November 2022.

Earlier, the International Community in partnership with the Government of Liberia issued a press release in Monrovia, encouraging all Liberians not to politicize or disrupt the ongoing 2022 National Population and Housing Census.

"We have observed with dismay calls by some elements within the country to boycott the Census", a joint press release issued here by government and Partners read.

Government had postponed conduct of the 2022 census thrice, amid audit report of corruption within the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) characterized by internal disagreement, and protests by Census Enumerators in demand of pay.

Government and Partners, including the United Nations, UNFPA, World Bank, the Embassy of Sweden, USAID, and the Embassy of Ireland said despite some initial challenges, the Census is now on track and has commenced as of 11 to 22 November 2022, cautioning that any further disruption would lead to delays in, or possible abortion, of the entire process, which will benefit no one.

But Mr. Cummings insists that President Weah must apologize to the nation for declaring a public holiday on Friday, 14 November that led to shutting down of businesses, schools and disruption of other forms of livelihood for Liberians, only to see the supposed beginning of the conduct of the census marred by protests across the country.

Speaking in a news conference held at the CPP National Headquarters on 19th Street Sinkor in Monrovia on Thursday, November 17, he noted that the delays that characterized the conduct of the National Population and Housing Census are unfortunate, lamenting that the situation is being further compounded by continued lack of leadership of a vacationing President, at the expense of the failing image of the country and the unbearable suffering of the Liberian people.

"It is now safe to say that after 4 years of failing to conduct the Census, which should have been conducted in 2018, as demanded by the Constitution, the recent delayed attempt also cannot be conducted at this time.

This is bad for our country not only in its constitutional violation but also in how it affects the constitutional legitimacy of the 2023 elections, its impact on deepening our cherished democracy, and how effectively we may be able to plan for the development of our country. Even worse, Liberians can now be excused for doubting that the National Housing and Population Census can and will be conducted under the current failed and corrupt leadership of both the LISGIS and the Weah administration", Mr. Cummings laments.

He also criticizes the administration for continuing to disappoint, embarrass, disgrace and fail the nation and its international partners.

He says the Weah administration has failed, evidenced by suffering of the Liberian people, which risks the peace, security and democracy of the country for which he notes, many, including friends of Liberia, voluntarily and involuntarily gave their lives.

"The truth is that the Weah administration does not care about the Liberian people. They have only truly cared about illegally enriching themselves while they cut the salaries of Liberians and make life increasingly difficult for everyone. People are suffering everywhere in our country and in every political party, while the President uselessly runs around the world at the expense of the people. And so, this is not about party or tribe or even counties and regions. The bad leadership of President Weah is affecting all of our people everywhere and this must stop in 2023", he continues.

He calls on President Weah to immediately suspend, if not dismiss, and investigate, his friends and colleagues, including Minister of Finance Samuel Tweah, and all others involved in the looting and mismanagement of the country's resources.

Meanwhile, the CPP leader wants the Government of Liberia to independently conduct the National Housing and Population Census, noting that not much has been done to credibly and competently conduct the census, as is constitutionally required, which has since been overdue.

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