Ghana: Development Bank Ghana Commemorates First Anniversary

18 November 2022

Development Bank Ghana has commemo-rated its first anniversary with a thanksgiving service and a call on its partners and staff to continue to work together for greater success.

The non-denominational ser-vice which was held in Accra last Friday, marked exactly one year since the new development bank received its banking licence from the Bank of Ghana.

It was attended by the lead-ership and staff of the Bank, Managing Directors and other representatives of their partner institutions including Kreditan-stalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG), CalBank, Access Bank, Ghana Incentive-based Risk-sharing System for Agricultural Lending (GIRSAL), Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) and Fidelity Bank.

Preaching the sermon, the Rt. Rev. Fr. Anthony Afriyie-Ampon-sah of the University of Ghana, shared a message on the need for each member of staff to con-tribute significantly towards the bank's goal.

He called for teamwork, dis-cipline and appreciation for the efforts made and results achieved by staff.

He challenged the staff and the bank's partners to work together in unity, focused on delivering DBG's agenda and prayed for God's guidance for the bank's leadership.

According to its laid-out agenda, DBG's first year has been devoted to building the required foundation for effectively under-taking its mandate of playing the role of a catalyst for the growth of the private sector, specifically Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

This, the bank has successful-ly achieved by establishing the relevant governance structures in-ternally, forming partnerships with several financial and non-financial institutions and releasing GH¢245 million through its partners for the funding of SMEs.

In collaboration with its part-ners, it has also organised capacity building workshops for stakehold-ers in the SME sector. All these being key targets for its first year which have been achieved.

Addressing the congregation during the thanksgiving service, DBG's Chief Executive Officer, Mr K Duker, called on all staff and partners to work together in order to win together.

He thanked the partners for their support and commitment urging them to continue to deliver same in the years ahead. He also congratulated the staff of DBG for a successful first year and stressed the need to continue to work efficiently together.

He added that DBG was introduced during difficult times however it was exactly for such challenging times that a catalyst for growth is needed.

He explained that the bank has, in spite of the challenging environment, put in place a solid foundation in its first year on the back of which it will be rolling out more partnerships with SME-fo-cused institutions and a lending programme which also includes technical support.

"We are filled with hope and positivity for the years ahead but once again I would like to say that success can only be possible if we work together and remain committed to doing it differently. Let us win together with God on our side," he said.

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