Ghana: KOICA Presents 2-Unit Classroom Block to Teshie Dar es Salaam School

22 November 2022

The Korea Internation-al Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has presented a two-unit classroom block worth $12,000 to Dar-Es-Salaam prima-ry B and Kindergarten (KG) at Teshie in the Ledzokuku Munici-pal Assembly in Accra.

The classroom block would decongest the existing classrooms for effective teaching and learning.

Presenting the classroom block, the KOICA Country Director to Ghana, Mr Moo Heon Kong said the education sector was one of the important sectors of the socio-economic development of the country hence the need for KOICA to render its support.

He added that KOICA had been assisting the sector by sup-porting the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service through the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) projects.

Mr Kong revealed that the KOICA also sends volunteers to some selected schools and institu-tions all over the country to aid in teaching of students and con-struction of educational facilities.

The country director professed the KOICA's continuous support to improve the learning environ-ment of children as was done for the Dar-Es-Salaam primary B and KG.

The engineer for the project, Ing. Dominic Adjei Annang revealed that the goal for the year was to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goal four (SDG 4) by providing quality education for the people of Ledzokuku Constituency.

"It is against this background that embarked on the mission of uplifting the Dar-Es-Salaam Pri-mary B & KG School KG block from its deplorable state to what we are about to witness today," he explained.

The Municipal Director of Education, Mrs Theresa Tetteh commended the KOICA for the initiative as it would go a long way to ease pressures on the govern-ment to construct and renovate educational facilities across the country.

She appealed to the teachers and students of the school to ex-hibit a proper maintenance culture to shore up the life span of the building.

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