Ghana: UCC, Gamey And Gamey Group Sign MOU to Establish University

22 November 2022

The University of the Common-wealth Caribbe-an (UCC) and the Gamey and Gamey Group have struck a collaborative deal towards establishing a specialised university in human resource and leadership training in Ghana.

The university would also be fo-cused on practical human capital development, business develop-ment, information technology, in-dustrial relations management and corporate governance with the objective of grooming graduates to become exceptional business and community leaders.

The managements of Gamey and Gamey Group, headquar-tered in Tema, Ghana and the UCC, headquartered in Kingston, Jamaica have consequently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to guide the modalities for their cooperation in setting up the tertiary facility.

It was signed by Mr Austin Gamey, Chief Executive Officer of the Gamey and Gamey Group, and Dr Haldene Davies, Presi-dent of UCC, for their respective organisations.

The establishment of the university in Ghana will among other objectives, enable the UCC, which is the largest privately-held premier higher educational insti-tution in the Caribbean, providing students with world class educa-tional programmes and training, to extend its presence into Ghana and West Africa to offer special-ised programmes at the bachelors, masters and doctoral degree levels.

For the Gamey and Gam-ey Group, which is the market leader in consultancy and training solutions in Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Organisational Restruc-turing, Managerial Leadership and Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), the tertiary facility would enable it to expand the coverage of its professional training pro-grammes.

The collaboration would enable the university to offer specially designed programmes to respond to emerging human capacity de-velopment needs in Ghana.

Dr Haldene Davies says the proposed university would enable UCC exhibit its commitment in providing broad-based educational opportunities through partner-ships, flexible delivery modes and access to finance, in an environ-ment of high standards, truth, and respect.

According to him, the univer-sity is committed to developing students in "a caring and intel-lectually stimulating academic environment where community members are valued, respected and challenged to embrace excel-lence, integrity and social respon-sibility."

The initiative, he explained, is in line with the expansion drive of UCC to extend its presence to other regions through partner-ships to offer quality educational opportunities for young profes-sionals.

Mr Austin Gamey, for his part, remains confident about the prospects of the new university in offering quality education and professional training for young people in Ghana and West Africa in general.

He gave the assurance that collaboration would identify and pursue impactful projects for all types of academic, research, study exchange and online programmes, adding that work on securing accreditation and other facilities has begun.

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