Ghana: CSIR-CRI Trains Seed Technologists, Inspectors, Companies On Seed Plan Tool Use

22 November 2022

Kumasi — Crop Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR- CRI) has observed that there is a growing de-mand for certified seeds for cultivation by farmers in the country.

It says that 40 per cent certified seed is being utilised by farmers to improve pro-ductivity in the country.

The purpose of seed certification is to maintain and make available to farmers high-quality and genetically pure seeds of superior cultivars.

Certified seed is high in genetic purity, high in germination and vigor, and of good quality (i.e., free from disease and from damaged or immature seed).

According to Dr Hillary MirekuBotey of the CSIR-CRI, the bulk of the 40 per cent certified seed being used is mainly in maize and rice.

He was speaking to the Ghanaian Times during a day's training for seed technolo-gists, seed inspectors and seed companies on how to use seed plan tool for demand forecasting.

It was under the theme, "Building Capacities of Seed Stakeholders on How to use 'Seed Plan Tool' For Seed Demand Forecasting."

Participants were introduced to the seed plan tool and how to use it for seed production and demand forecasting, hybrid seed production and how to use the seed plan tool, seed conditioning (processing and storage management), among other topics.

Dr Botey observed that "there is still a gap for soybeans among others" hoping farmers would soon adopt the certified seeds of the other varieties.

He said "certified seed gives you the best chance for a good crop, making best use of your time and resources".

In addition, he said, one of the advantag-es of planting certified seed was that you could be relatively assured that the seed was professionally treated.

He said it was very important for farmers to use certified seed as it would allow one to capitalize on traceability measures.

Earlier, Deputy Director, CSIR-CRI, Dr. Maxwell Darko Asante, mentioned the im-portance of quality seed for the agricultural sector of the country.

"Our work cannot be complete if the seed is not of quality", he indicated adding the CSIR-CRI would continue ensure quali-ty seed for improved productivity.

He urged stakeholders, especially farmers and seed companies to collaborate effec-tively with "us because sometimes, we produce the seed but no one picks them up which is a biggest challenge."

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