Liberia: Pama Company Hosts Mind, Body And Wellness Summit

22 November 2022

As means of maintaining human body fitness, Pama Co. through its Live Authentically Movement has held its first free one-day mind, body and wellness summit for young people across Montserrado.

With support from ICAMPUS Liberia and Tape Design (TD), the day-long summit which started over the weekend with a fitness exercise was held under the theme: "Cultivating A Culture of Body Positivity and Self-Love."

The interactive free summit at the Accountability Lab in Monrovia also brought together 50 young Liberians between ages 13 and 25, who were drilled on the topic: "Effects of body shaming and bullying on mental health, diet and Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle and body image and acceptance."

Pama Co. Chief Executive Officer, Parnneh Mallobe said, the summit was intended to further young people and educate them about ways they can become change-makers in terms of putting an end to bullying.

According to her, the lectures at the summit also taught participants ways to protect their mental health from situations that have the propensity of creating lasting harm.

At the same time, Mallobe added that participants were also taught about the importance of exercise and its impact on the body, including being able to accept and love their bodies as they are.

She said the idea behind the summit derived from the fact that she was once affected by firsthand bullying something, she noted has now become common across Liberia.

"So, judging from my past, I thought it wise to use my experience to help other people create messages and a safe space for young people to talk about issues they're being affected with daily."

Meanwhile, the Pama Co. CEO, who also expressed excitement over the level of commitment received from participants, also disclosed plans to begin working with schools to inform young Liberians about the effect of bullying and other activities.

Two of the participants, Isaac Gola and Vivian E. Monluo, on behalf of their colleagues, extolled the organization for the opportunity given them to be part of the day-long summit which they described as educative and insightful.

Gola and Monluo also promised to become ambassadors for Pama Co. against bullying.

Pama Co. is a body positivity movement owned and operated by Parnneh Mallobe, with a mission of teaching and sharing experiences of bullying and body shaming, and the journey to self-acceptance and self-love, among others.

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